General Campaign Format

Jason Waddell

Staff member
This will probably never happen, but I had an idea for a long-term campaign format.

Basically you start out with some basic starter deck (maybe 1-color, maybe more, tbd), and have to the side tons of binders filled with cards, each card has a price value attached to it.

Every week players get some allotment of points to spend, with bonuses for match wins and this sort of thing.

The allotment increases each week. The idea is to start with crappy starter deck, and build up through decks that are of increasing power level, until weeks (months?) later you're rocking moxen and the like. Sort of like a real-life multiplayer Shandalar experience.

It seems fun, I'll probably never do it, but if anybody wants to flesh out the idea I'd be glad to read your posts and never implement it.


Ecstatic Orb
This is one of those ideas that probably is too fidgety to pull off in the real world, but you could try to do something similar based on boosters. That'll cost a fair amount of money obviously, but would be a pretty neat thing to do.

Like, everyone starts with a crappy starter deck, and after each tournament you Rochester draft from a pool of cards consisting of one booster per player. You can either pick one rare, two uncs, or four commons on each pick. After a certain amount of rounds you simply shuffle the remaining cards and divide evenly. Repeat as long as it's fun. Entry to the tournament can be the prize booster you are going to contribute to the prize support.


Back when I was younger and had copious free time, we did something similar. We would draft like 2-3 times the usual number of cards and use those as our pool. Every month or so, we would do another draft, then add those cards to our pool. We used the pools to play "limited-constructed". It was a lot of fun.
We're currently doing a league for Khans. We each opened a sealed pool, then every Wednesday we open another booster and add that to the pool. Simple but fun.

As CML has complained, Khans sealed can be sort of maddening. I have all this great fixing for Abzan but really strong Mardu and Sultai cards.
i played a format w some friends on skype + cockatrice a while back like this. we each picked a starter/theme/intro precon deck, any one of them, except that one with skullclamp in it was banned. Then we got 10 cards at random from hitting the random button from, you rerolled cards that are banned in vintage / uncards / basic lands.
we played each game for 2 card ante, and after playing 1 game you got i think it was 5 cards at random from to add to your sideboard/maindeck

i picked this
with the 2 psychatogs and a bunch of garbage. i anted both of them in the first game and lost them. everyone else picked a modern era deck and i was stuck with premodern blue/black dudes. i ended up with a few lucky pulls like braingeyser and silent-blade oni though
zombie assassin was a champ though!


Ecstatic Orb
The Plague from Urza's Saga starts with four Pestilence. Must be quite good!

Mono blue mages should go with Dominator from Exodus. Two Forbids, three Mana Leaks, and the full play set of Counterspells!


Ecstatic Orb
Nice. My first deck was the Blowout theme deck form Invasion. Not at all my style in the end, as my first homebrew was a {G}{W}{U} deck revolving around vigilance creatures, artifact mana (Seashell Cameo) and this beauty:

It's a shame Stephanie Pui-Mun Law didn't paint more for MtG. Her art style would have fit Lorwyn/Shadowmoor really well.

Chris Taylor

A decent idea would be to check out magic: the rug. Someone on scg did an article about the a ways back, (knusleson?) and it's pretty sweet. You buy access to cards, life, starting hand size, deck size, and perks! Cool stuff from all my guys have first strike to this spell costs 1 less for me, to activated abilities.

It's interesting and it looks like he's out some hours into making it non ridiculous, so maybe give it a shot?
I ran a Rotisserie Dynasty League back in the day. It functioned similar to a professional sports league, with each new set being a "draft class", and older sets rotating out due to "retirement". Salary cap, free agents, the whole nine yards. The main issue was the reliability of the team managers. I couldn't get a core group of players to commit long enough for the format to truly flourish. Would be happy to bring it back (with a few modifications) if anyone was interested in playing.


Ecstatic Orb
Someone pointed Forge Magic out to me. I started my random (modern) card collection with a Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker. Nice!