General CBS

Spirits seems like it probably works. A lot of well-costed flyers in the deck. Cards that stand on their own without tribal payoff. I don't see why it couldn't work. Just be sure to avoid using the really narrow payoffs, or maybe allow only one. If you have a flyer's deck present, they'll mesh into that just fine.
Is a walls deck automatically unfun to play against? This is for a Jumpstart. GW, probably.

Protect yourself and then drop some bigger stuff would be the idea.

Dom Harvey

Playing against Walls may feel hopeless if you're relying on attacking with 2/1s but the idea of Walls is awesome enough that I'd do it anyway
Alright. I'll toss it in there and make sure all/most of the decks are somewhat prepared for it. There's going to be a flying deck and there was a few goblins that fuck walls up for red. I find it really cute to switch a wall's P/T, so I'll throw in that effect somewhere lol.
Kinda un-intuitive, didn't made it work in analysis, but in list, sort, you can sort by elo. It have to have a better way to do somewhere I guess.
Yeah, it seems the ELO comes from across all the website which really puts a damper on its usefulness. I don't think Reveillark is the 13th worst card on my cube!
I decided to run Grapple with the Past over Winding Way because I found more decks wanted the filtering, Raise Dead effect and instant speed than they wanted the efficiency of Winding Way.
Did you guys try out the Tinkerer's Cube Draft on Arena? I thought it would be a great opportunity for me to play synergistic decks AND farm some coins. But everytime I tried so far I got totally slaughtered (2:3, 1:3, 0:3). I don't even know why. I seriously questioning my skills now. In normal booster drafts I often get to 6 or 7 wins, but here I draft decks of which I am really, really happy, and then I look like the total rookie in every game :(
I've tried a few so far. I went 5-3 with a BG self-mill midrange deck where I would gain value with escape creatures. I was missing some ramp and early removal and aggro decks beat me.

Then I tried a UR tokens/tempo deck which also went 5-3. The highlights were Young Pyro and Saheeli along with Hellrider. I lost to the mirror (1 damage away!) and some slower decks that were able to stop my aggression.

I had a really sweet RW tokens deck, with lots of one and two drops and Hellrider, Castle Embreth and Heroic Reinforcements and burn. I went 2-3 losing out to a bunch of slower decks. While I had aggro creatures, they always seem to have a 1/3 or something to slow me down enough that they could take over. It was frustrating because it felt I was always a play away from winning, but then something happened. My creatures did not have evasion and I think it was my downfall.

This last one I have, I am currently 3-0 with a 5 color blue based pile. I have cheap interaction and filtering, I have some mana rocks and a few road blocks and my top end is Golos, Chamber Sentry, Nicol Bolas (the 4 drop dude), Dinrova Horror, Shipwreck Dowser and Huatli, Warrior Poet. As stupid as it sounds, these big dudes are amazing at just holding people back and/or attacking for the win. Games have not felt close so far.

I've found that drafting around synergy to be tough. I will now focus on drafting good cards and if some synergy pieces arrive later in the pack, then I move in. Bombs -> fixing -> cheap interaction seems to work decently!
I at least managed a 3-3 this time with a white-black aggressive midrange deck, some focus on tokens or going wide but not enough enablers to do so. Eh. but I also had an unusual amount of flooding today in arena. And since I'm sick, I can't do much else lol.

Maybe my problem is that I am used to threats that don't kill you that fast. My cube is more old school-ish in that regard.
I just got thrown out from cube tutor, whenever I try to log in again it says: "Oops! Something went wrong."
Did I get banned for some weird reason or do you guys have a similar problem?