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CubeCobra :(

Is there any way I can get my CubeCobra list to sort by
1. Color first
2. Type second
3. Converted mana cost third?

It is not an option for me to have blue spells all over the place. They should be in their blue section. It is also not an option to have creatures spread out. They should be in their section. But finally it is not an option to have cards in different converted mana cost be all over the place. They should be in order from low to high. Right? This is basic Magic stuff, right?

How are you guys/Onde doing it? Do you just not care that the cube is not viewed in color order, type order or ordered after mana cost?
1. color category
2. types multicolor

for me it shows Titanoth Rex after Krosan Tusker, with a small bar in between.
1. color category
2. types multicolor

for me it shows Titanoth Rex after Krosan Tusker, with a small bar in between.

I clicked your "Draft my Casual Cube!" and found your visual spoiler. It shows Titanoth Rex after Krosan Tusker. However it would always do that due to K being before T in the alphabet. If you add Apex Devastator to your cube, then you have the issue like I do.

It would put them in this order: Apex Devastator (10) -> Krosan Tusker (9) -> Titanox Rex (9)
And they should be in this order: Krosan Tusker (9) -> Titanox Rex (9) -> Apex Devastator (10)

Do you mind taking a look here:

And tell me if there is a fix to the Iona -> Mikaeus -> Realm-Cloaked order?

I want Cobra to treat Iona as a 9 drop, Mikaeus as a 13 drop and both Giants as 7 drops. If I'm the only cube owner in the world who wants my cards in order then I can find a different solution. I guess I could cheat by adding in a different card that has a name that would put it riiiight where I want in on the list. And then Imgur a picture on top of it of a Realm-Cloaked Giant for instance. I just wish Cobra had their own solution.
This is probably an incredibly stupid question, but...

I made a 180 card pile of random cards¹ a while ago, out of boredom/quarantine (woo quarantine!), and recently my FLGS reopened for play, so I thought "ah, I'll take it in and see if anyone wants to test it out". And then it hit me.

How many basic lands am I supposed to include with a cube?

¹ Seriously, I'm impressed that I managed to find 85 cards of each color that seem vaguely playable in my collection of random cards. I don't have a good curve or anything, and I'm literally running Manalith so that I'll have 15 colorless cards. It's a godawful mess.


Ecstatic Orb
Do you mind taking a look here:

And tell me if there is a fix to the Iona -> Mikaeus -> Realm-Cloaked order?

I want Cobra to treat Iona as a 9 drop, Mikaeus as a 13 drop and both Giants as 7 drops. If I'm the only cube owner in the world who wants my cards in order then I can find a different solution. I guess I could cheat by adding in a different card that has a name that would put it riiiight where I want in on the list. And then Imgur a picture on top of it of a Realm-Cloaked Giant for instance. I just wish Cobra had their own solution.

Hey Velrun, what do you know, you found an actual bug! :D CubeCobra's owner found and fixed the faulty code, and the fix will be deployed in the next release! I don't know when exactly that is, he said he might even do an impromptu release with a few high impact, low effort issues if he can find the time, but rest assured that you can keep working on the migration knowing that your Iona and Mikaeus will soon appear after your Realm-Cloaked Giants in the visual spoiler :)
Hey Velrun, what do you know, you found an actual bug! :D CubeCobra's owner found and fixed the faulty code, and the fix will be deployed in the next release! I don't know when exactly that is, he said he might even do an impromptu release with a few high impact, low effort issues if he can find the time, but rest assured that you can keep working on the migration knowing that your Iona and Mikaeus will soon appear after your Realm-Cloaked Giants in the visual spoiler :)

Thank you for putting in the effort! :)

You too Ravnic (but to a lesser extend, lol) ;)
This is probably an incredibly stupid question, but...

I made a 180 card pile of random cards¹ a while ago, out of boredom/quarantine (woo quarantine!), and recently my FLGS reopened for play, so I thought "ah, I'll take it in and see if anyone wants to test it out". And then it hit me.

How many basic lands am I supposed to include with a cube?

¹ Seriously, I'm impressed that I managed to find 85 cards of each color that seem vaguely playable in my collection of random cards. I don't have a good curve or anything, and I'm literally running Manalith so that I'll have 15 colorless cards. It's a godawful mess.

Depends on how much fixing you have and how many players you expect. I've ran 30 per color without any issues for years now with a 420 cube and usually have a pod of 6-8 players.

I'd say 30-35 should be more than enough.

Righ there at the top.
This is such a relief :)

Okay next project Onde :) Can you get him to implement the feature where we can import pictures directly onto the cards so we don't have to use third party websites such as Imgur? ;) I know this one will be a challenge.


Ecstatic Orb
Okay next project Onde :) Can you get him to implement the feature where we can import pictures directly onto the cards so we don't have to use third party websites such as Imgur? ;) I know this one will be a challenge.

Belief me, I already tried :rolleyes: The lead developer much prefers it this way, because you have to store all those images somewhere, and that costs money. He'ld rather offload that job (and those costs) to dedicated image hosting sites, plus this solution was easier to implement to boot. Honestly, it hasn't been enough of a drawback to complain.
Belief me, I already tried :rolleyes: The lead developer much prefers it this way, because you have to store all those images somewhere, and that costs money. He'ld rather offload that job (and those costs) to dedicated image hosting sites, plus this solution was easier to implement to boot. Honestly, it hasn't been enough of a drawback to complain.

That is good to hear at least :) The quality = the same. But it does soak up a lot of time. And I worry that my cube is now in the hands of two companies and not just one. (Although it is just the visual representation of the cube). Have you ever heard of anyone having issues with Imgur?
Interesting, I am trying a similar thing now for my always changing project of a ravnica limited experience. My newest approach is the following:

Each player choses a guild and then gets a deck of 23 common spells and 17 lands (those decks don't change to guarantee a curve, some removal etc.). You play the first round. Before each round a different quest will be drawn. It determites how many cards each player gets (e.g. "You gain X cards here X is your highest life total minus 15." or "You gain one card for each combat step in which you attacked."). The cards are given at random from a pile of uncommons and rares. These quest however a indipendent from winning or losing. Each round players play will have a new quest, and after each round there will be time to rebuild your deck. For each round you win, you get the respective number of points, meaning game 1 gives you 1 point, game 2 grants 2 and so on.

I have not tested it yet but I have high hopes. The idea is that you have very flavorful guild decks, you can start playing right away, but there are still some meaningful decisions in deckbuilding. My only fear is that balancing might be too difficult.

Interesting! Would be nice to work out a mechanic to control the pace - in some games players are rewarded from playing fast, in other games players are rewarded for using their time. Quests like "get a card for each time X happened" and many other quests would incentivize people to spend early rounds in very long games building up their deck, so you need a mechanism to curb that.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
It's been over a year, but I played magic a couple times recently and had lots of fun! I moved up to Cambridge a couple years ago, and a buddy I met here is interested in playing, so we dusted off the cube and had a grid draft.


BR Sac Aggro


UG Control

We only played one game, as it was really late, but it was a good one. He beat me down to 1 life, mostly with Bloodsoaked Champion. He got to Unearth Fleshbag Marauder, and I got to All Sun's Dawn for 4 cards, thanks to being janky and running Vindicate and Sidisi, Broof Tyrant in my blue-green deck :D.

We also grid drafted the Eldrazi Domain cube yesterday. We're in lockdown again now so we tried using The websockets kept disconnecting, so we had to refresh it every time we wanted to pick, and often take picks for eachother just to get it to work. Anybody here know who wrote it? It's on github so I might fork it and make a simplified version. You could just have it controlled by one person, and do a screenshare.

And what's all this about CubeCobra? Is it an upgrade over cubetutor?

Hello! Nice to see y'all. This makes me want to fix my cube up, but I'll probably never get around to it. I've missed too many sets, forgotten too many cards.
I am now in the process of moving from CubeTutor to CubeCobra. They have implemented the most important features it was missing in my opinion. I dislike that I have to have an active Imgur page with custom cards and altered cards. Otherwise 9/10 points from me.
So, what are people's worst archetypes? What decks just never come together, regardless of what you've tried?

It's probably Pod. I've had Birthing Pod for years in my cube and I love the idea of it, but in practice it comes together very rarely and even then it's difficult for it to really maximize the type of gameplay you're looking for. Part of the problem is the lack of redundancy like you'd have with multiple copies of key recursion pieces in a Constructed deck. The other problem is that many of the best pieces that people would be interested in drafting for the deck are also decent cards on their own leading to increased competition in a draft. It's just difficult to make the ideal Pod deck without really nailing all the draft picks and sometimes it's not even worth it putting in that legwork when so many cards nowadays just generate value on their own without any additional hoops to go through. Also, after it's a known commodity and comes together once in a blue moon, people will go into future drafts trying to live that dream and often times end up disappointed.

Still, it only takes up one physical slot in my cube and is also part of my voucher system so it's not much skin off my back. One card slot to create a whole potential archetype is well worth the investment even if it doesn't come together as often as I'd like.
So, what are people's worst archetypes? What decks just never come together, regardless of what you've tried?
I've never been impressed with my attempts at making enchantress//constellation work. The deck can finally "come together" thanks to Theros: Beyond Death allowing for a suitable number of mid-power enablers. The problem is that they all cost 3 or 4 mana, so they run very awkwardly. Setessan Champion and Archon of Sun's Grace would both be great cards if they were enchantments that triggered themselves like Eidolon of Blossoms, but since they're just regular creatures, they're mediocre. Often times they just eat a removal spell before they get to generate any value.

It's really disappointing that enchantress has a hard time working, because there are so many great enchantments that just go into most cubes anyway. Omen of the Sea, Pacifism effects, and Utopia Sprawl variants are all great inclusions that can easily make up 20-30 slots in a cube by themselves. It's just that these cards want to be cast early in the game before a 4 or 5 mana constellation payoff has been resolved.

Even thought constellation isn't a bad deck anymore, the payoffs feel way worse than the enablers. It never feels better playing some generic midrange pile in the same way decks like Aristocrats, Loam, or Blink can.