You're missing some dragon synergy pieces! At a variety of power levels (and for both players), there's:I think party is interesting for several reasons. One is that it is actually four different creature types instead of one. And it is classes instead of races which is also a bit different from what we are use to. This has no actual implications in Magic but it does create a situation where you can have a Human Rogue and a Faerie Wizard be part of the same tribal. It feels a bit like a collector items because you want one of each type. Or as many different ones as you can get. Finally I enjoy that all colors have equal good access to the tribal so I have chosen for it to be the tribal of the cube. I also have a minor subtheme of Dragons but they only have three payoff cards.
1 - 2 - 3
Downside of party is that the payoff cards are not very powerful and there are not so many of them. I am thinking about doing something about that with custom cards.
I do not think it is a challenge to keep track of how many members each player has of the party. It’s on par with tracking delirium I would say. Maybe a bit more than simply counting the number of Elves of Merfolks on the battlefield. But not enough to stop me from doing the tribal I find most interesting and who also happen to be spot on flavor wise for a D&D flavored rogue-like, deck-builder cube.
I found Party to be finicky and difficult in retail draft and almost totally unreliable in Standard, where it existed mostly in a UW angels deck with Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate and Angel of Unity. Despite being full of clerics, getting to slam the tribal payoff warriors, undercosted removal that I remember being solid in standard, neither the UW angels party deck (anchored in clerics and warriors) or the grindier RB deck (anchored around Rogues and Wizards) ever seemed to 'get there'.
Given that you say that in your cube the payoff cards aren't powerful, I don't think Party has any chance of being a real thing players care about. I think custom cards are a way to fix this, as you say, but I don't think the issue with Party is the bookkeeping - as you say, both players can just stop and count - but that the mediocre reward isn't even worth the minimal bookkeeping. good luck solving this![/c]