This is kinda embarrassing, but would someone like to remind me how to start designing a cube? It's been so long since I've sat down to do it that I've forgotten how (I didn't know that was possible!).
My process is generally:
1. Come up with a list of parameters for the kinds of cards that I want to go in the cube (themes, MV restrictions, color restrictions, no tokens, whatever)
2. Pull up a bunch of cubecobra lists of other people's cubes that I like that are doing similar things to what I'm trying to do, or failing that just start googling "(theme) cube" and finding them
3. Put all the stuff from those lists that suit my goals and restrictions into a spreadsheet or cubecobra
4. Put a bunch of generic fixing and generally playable removal in the list
5. If I'm really still looking for some extremely specific shit, start putting together abominable strings of scryfall searches until I find those things
6. Cut down the list by cutting out stuff that's expensive (if not proxying) or oversaturated or missing my goals a bit
7. Proxy up or buy cards and start drafting ASAP
7. Iterate from there
How do people feel about white catch up cards?

I play the warhound and like it. Most of the time you aren't really playing them "face up" (i.e: you're really just planning your land drops around them, not actually using them to "catch up"), but I think that is a fun little sequencing decision and a solid body that ramps you is just a fun card to play. Warhound is great in aggro bc it's an aggressive guy that often lets you double spell on the next turn.