For recent secret lair drops, the "generic" bonus card is
one of several zombies, each from the modern era and in the retro frame for the first time. As a huge fan of the retro frame, this makes me very happy, but so far, none of these zombies was going to make it into my Cube as so many cards from Innistrad Remastered recently did. Until today:
Coldsnap was my very first set. Haakon was one of my favorite cards from the earliest days of Magic, and in addition to being the core of my first modern deck when the format debuted in 2011, Haakon would become a founding member of my Cube just a few months later.
He never really worked, though.
I tried! For years, I desperately looked for any knights that could cut the mustard. As recently as Elraine 1.0 I tried to give Haakon a home, but no amount of graveyard shenanigans was enough to convince any of my drafters from trying my nonsense self mill decks with the Stromgald Scourge and his BFF
Knight of the Reliquary, even if I could one every few years get a reasonable deck together.
But now? Maybe. We've had some great knights printed recently, and I've been looking for an excuse to try out
Riders of the Mark. While the relative power level between them shows exactly why he's not really suited for Cubes of higher power levels like mine, Haakon will be stoked to meet my beloved
Inti, Seneschal of the Sun, and I'm sure the two of them will hit it off.
Paladin Danse, Steel Maverick can return from the on-deck binder as well!
But most of all, Haakon is maybe most ready to fight shoulder-to-shoulder
Wight of the Reliquary, a card that provides even more synergy than its predecessor who I sleeved up side-by-side in Modern all those years ago.
I'm in the process of purposely depowering my Cube to make synergy decks hold their weight. Is it possible Haakon can get there in 2025? I'm excited to find out, and this new printing gives me all the excuse I needed!!!!!