(13:51:29) mc_usher [mc_usher@mc_usher.tmi.twitch.tv] entered the room.
(13:51:41) mc_usher: CML is loud and clear
(13:51:43) anotak: cml is very clear, jason is murky but understandable
(13:51:46) mc_usher: mainly loud
(13:51:50) anotak: also hi
(13:52:24) mc_usher: your diction is wonderful, but the mic is bugging out or sth
(13:52:31) anotak: can you aim the laptop mic more at you? other than that it would be fine
(13:52:48) mc_usher: there's an echo as well
(13:53:08) mc_usher: mute/close the twitch page if you have it open
(13:53:17) mc_usher: it was better previously
(13:53:30) anotak: it wasnt like this last time. i can understand everything, you'll just hear hear it on the archive i guess but this is acceptable to me
(13:53:50) mc_usher: worth a try I guess
(13:55:16) mc_usher: humble Slovenian buddy brags
(13:57:26) anotak: oh cool i get to cube in 2 hours
(13:58:30) platypusplatoon [platypusplatoon@platypusplatoon.tmi.twitch.tv] entered the room.
(13:59:06) mc_usher: much better
(13:59:10) anotak: yeah its better
(13:59:11) anotak: idk why
(13:59:19) platypusplatoon: hooray!
(13:59:25) anotak: yeah, i dont know why
(13:59:26) mc_usher: ya
(13:59:26) anotak: lol
(13:59:43) riptidelab [riptidelab@riptidelab.tmi.twitch.tv] entered the room.
(13:59:51) platypusplatoon: ya i can hear both people fine
(13:59:57) anotak: have you played fighting games
(14:00:11) mode (+o riptidelab) by jtv
(14:01:09) mc_usher: as many as 3
(14:03:41) anotak: this one time i played magic
(14:05:10) anotak: cmlin outta control, is he in the twitch chat?
(14:06:43) boringdoug [boringdoug@boringdoug.tmi.twitch.tv] entered the room.
(14:07:00) anotak: how do you feel about cultivate/kodama's
(14:07:56) platypusplatoon: yeah booooo to mana rocks
(14:09:19) anotak: lol phyrexian obliterator
(14:09:44) platypusplatoon: almost every time someone has tried monogreen here, they've 0-3ed
(14:11:28) mc_usher: I don't think mono-g is bad necessarily but it's difficult to assemble in a normal(/good) green section
(14:11:30) boringdoug: playgroups are totally random
(14:11:43) anotak: how do you feel on bloom tender
(14:11:54) anotak: oh right as i said it
(14:12:19) mc_usher: 'CML likes Eventide card'
(14:12:53) riptidelab left the room.
(14:12:56) platypusplatoon: my very first iteration of cube had dungrove elder... it was not pretty
(14:13:04) anotak: primeval titan grabbing mountain and kessig
(14:13:48) mode (-o riptidelab) by jtv
(14:14:19) anotak: could you call MUD a ramp deck
(14:14:30) mc_usher: the only real 'ramp deck' is Nic Fit, which is not a deck
(14:16:08) anotak: could you do like the squadron hawk thing where if you grab grove you get more than 1
(14:16:32) anotak: either one
(14:16:36) changlingbob [changlingbob@changlingbob.tmi.twitch.tv] entered the room.
(14:16:53) anotak: thats true
(14:17:34) mc_usher: I like the Scry lands too
(14:18:00) mc_usher: they conform to the fetchland model where they each go in 7 colour pairs
(14:18:39) platypusplatoon: i dunno, i don't see myself playing a tapland in a fast deck when i only want one of the two colors
(14:19:09) anotak: people have really really bad reactions to bonfire
(14:19:29) platypusplatoon: people here really really love bonfire... they're all deviants
(14:19:59) boringdoug: i wanna run the controlly scry lands soon
(14:20:21) platypusplatoon: halimar depths is sweet
(14:20:24) anotak: scry lands are a better designed version of halimar
(14:20:58) platypusplatoon: hmmm, when you put it that way, the scry lands do sound sweet
(14:21:19) anotak: manabond
(14:21:45) platypusplatoon: yep
(14:21:56) iamlucaschilds [iamlucaschilds@iamlucaschilds.tmi.twitch.tv] entered the room.
(14:21:59) platypusplatoon: eats gravecrawlers!
(14:22:49) iamlucaschilds: oh come now
(14:23:24) iamlucaschilds: I have no idea how I got home last night but I'm here for the chattercast
(14:24:15) anotak: they didnt print mortify in rtr block for the reason of it being 'too good against theros' though
(14:24:25) platypusplatoon: still waiting for the viridian shaman / manic vandal equivalent that eats enchantments
(14:24:59) anotak: they didnt print mortify in rtr block for the reason of it being 'too good against theros' though
(14:25:00) iamlucaschilds: Where did the name platypusplatoon come from?
(14:25:17) iamlucaschilds: Lol too good 3cc removal
(14:27:09) mc_usher: your utility land draft should consist entirely of Tabernacles at Pendrell Vale
(14:27:52) platypusplatoon: i love green too!
(14:28:01) platypusplatoon: it's just boring in my cube
(14:28:45) iamlucaschilds: Blame modern design
(14:29:25) mc_usher: yeah I love Primeval Titan
(14:30:27) iamlucaschilds: Man primal command one of the last standard cards I played
(14:30:40) iamlucaschilds: that and first garruk and cameleon colossus
(14:31:16) iamlucaschilds: I just don't get pod
(14:31:39) platypusplatoon: man i loved those cards, i was just getting back into standard after ~12 years away from magic, i couldn't believe green cards were _good_ now
(14:32:07) iamlucaschilds: What is tanky
(14:32:12) iamlucaschilds: what is mean please
(14:33:42) anotak: i think you need to support loam
(14:33:43) platypusplatoon: i don't think anyone here knows what to do with loam
(14:33:44) mc_usher: Loam was going to be my card for the contest
(14:34:29) anotak: dom did you see my loam cube
(14:34:41) anotak: http://cubetutor.com/viewcube/5125
(14:35:07) mc_usher: interesting
(14:35:29) iamlucaschilds: That was a strategy in original ravnica
(14:36:00) anotak: i havent printed it out yet so i havent played with it... also i dont know if my chats are showing up for everyone so im going to relink it just because its not showing up jason's window so idk if it sent
(14:36:39) mc_usher: Podding Redcap into Gray Merchant is a wonderful feeling
(14:37:00) iamlucaschilds: You have 3+ Pods in your cube and no one has 3-0 with a pod in their deck yet?
(14:37:37) mc_usher: Nykthos has been consistently fantastic for me in the devotion experiment
(14:39:09) iamlucaschilds: You just have so many of them
(14:39:30) iamlucaschilds: maybe reduce the number of pods if it is being a dud in many draughts
(14:39:54) anotak: zero is tied for the best character in umvc3 but it took like 1.5 years for anyone to win a major tournament playing him
(14:39:55) mc_usher: maybe Pod prompts people to built their deck around doing sweet things with Pod instead of maximizing their chances of winning (more so than usual?)
(14:40:43) iamlucaschilds: I like hannes taste in music
(14:41:47) boringdoug: pretty sure just untapping with meloku was enough for me
(14:41:48) platypusplatoon: someone did meloku with shelldock isle too, they did not lose that game
(14:42:18) iamlucaschilds: Tapping isn't really a build around, it's just great if you have more cards than your opponent. Opposition is also just a super fair card when you are playing from behind
(14:42:36) mc_usher: if they weren't playing them, it shouldn't affect the speed of your Cube in theory
(14:43:06) iamlucaschilds: can anyone tell me why it's called little kid
(14:43:12) mc_usher: on 3 Hierarch 2 BoP 2 DRS 1 Treespeaker as my mana guys
(14:43:13) iamlucaschilds: also whats benny beatdown
(14:43:56) iamlucaschilds: I heart flash guys
(14:44:57) iamlucaschilds: wolfir avanger is actually pretty good when you make regenerating relevant
(14:48:45) anotak: i like that thread a lot
(14:50:06) iamlucaschilds: I think karoos help aggro in that they make my stone rains and vensers more mean
(14:50:38) platypusplatoon: wait, jason had a dragon cube at one point...?
(14:53:11) platypusplatoon: i still have to read the back side every time
(14:53:24) mc_usher: it somehow has more abilities than Bow of Nylea
(14:54:09) anotak: Bow of Nylea, Planeswalker
(14:55:39) platypusplatoon: i do 14 card packs in my cube drafts... *runs away*
(14:56:27) anotak: someone won the maze i forgot who. yeah, my friend's peasant cube is 14 card packs. my loam cube is that i havent drafted is theoretically 17 card packs (lol)
(14:58:58) anotak: i want the gravecrawler of green aggro
(14:59:29) anotak: theres rancor? i guess
(14:59:41) mc_usher: Auras in general have been good for me
(14:59:46) anotak: nacatl is multicolor card
(15:00:01) mc_usher: Moldervine Cloak, Elephant Guide, BOAR UMBRA
(15:01:18) iamlucaschilds: Is the dryad a real card?
(15:01:48) anotak: green gets splashed but its never a main color of a 3 color aggro deck
(15:02:07) iamlucaschilds: no but ramp or green contol is a lot better when it has early pressure / big board presence
(15:02:15) boringdoug: I used to be really interested in green aggro but actually what's he point... Just because there's a color doesn't mean you need aggro in that color
(15:02:33) boringdoug: isn't kind of the point of having different colors is not to have them be the same?
(15:04:05) anotak: i wasnt serious about using land grant, my friend said that
(15:04:11) iamlucaschilds: add land grant to the land draught
(15:04:58) anotak: that's why making it unique is important, but yeah i'm not trying to make it different for the sake of being different. people said a lot of the stuff you're saying about green aggro about black aggro before the gravecrawlers stuff
(15:06:17) anotak: ah its not showing up for jason's screen:
that's why making it unique is important, but yeah i'm not trying to make it different for the sake of being different. people said a lot of the stuff you're saying about green aggro about black aggro before the gravecrawlers stuff
(15:08:50) platypusplatoon: the chat is really glitchy, the messages showing up for me and jason have very little overlap
(15:09:10) anotak: yeah same
(15:09:14) platypusplatoon: ya, nothing we can do
(15:09:47) mc_usher: I made the Seal of Fire switch
(15:09:57) mc_usher: it's been... kinda bad
(1555) mc_usher: it's been kinda bad
(15:11:36) iamlucaschilds: Chris should love seal of flame, it's a great answer to eight and a half tails
(15:12:50) anotak: we should use something other than twitch chat for the chat aspect next time
(15:13:01) iamlucaschilds: You're a texan?
(15:13:02) mc_usher: so many Latin students here, I love it
(15:13:23) iamlucaschilds: I don't know ***
(15:13:30) iamlucaschilds: man living in the south sounds like fun
(15:13:50) changlingbob left the room.
(15:13:52) anotak: its not fucking fun fuck alabama
(15:14:31) iamlucaschilds: Like I imagine it's very different from toronto and it would tickle me and I'd probably be beaten up for being such a ponce
(15:14:43) mc_usher: I'm not actually convinced by Fanatic but Purphoros is great
(15:15:45) boringdoug: cml your laugh is manic
(15:16:07) iamlucaschilds: I pass koth all the time for cards that feel less demanding
(15:16:29) iamlucaschilds: like red 4s are available
(15:17:48) mc_usher: get the rant clock
(15:18:04) platypusplatoon: BETTER THAN KOTH
(15:18:31) platypusplatoon: aw man my chat doesn't show up for jason anymore :'(
(15:18:47) iamlucaschilds: there it goes
(15:18:57) boringdoug: on the internet nobody knows I'm a cat
(15:19:45) anotak: that sounds like hearthstone
(15:19:48) platypusplatoon: ya, that would be sweet
(15:20:01) platypusplatoon: get rid of those enchantments
(15:20:19) anotak: yes its not as good as magic
(15:20:36) iamlucaschilds: Dude CML streaming hearthstone
(15:20:55) platypusplatoon: it's coming
(15:21:09) iamlucaschilds: I wana hear the exasperation
(15:25:20) anotak: double elim owns for fighting games but a very very very long fighting game set will take like... 10 minutes? its too slow of a format for magic or whatever
(15:26:49) mc_usher: dead air was fine back when you had pros coming into the booth and talking about things organically; instead we have either cringeworthy attempts to fill dead air, or some awful prepared segment
(15:27:10) anotak: didnt show up so: (15:25:20)
anotak: double elim owns for fighting games but a very very very long fighting game set will take like... 10 minutes? its too slow of a format for magic or whatever
(15:27:47) platypusplatoon: aw man, need to get out the editing software now
(15:29:15) anotak: this reminds me of christian music
(15:33:35) boringdoug: cml, where should I go for poker content? I'm so terrible at it and when I play I play with a bunch of mathematicians. I need to read something
(15:34:13) mc_usher: twoplustwo.com
(15:36:06) boringdoug: swag thanks bros
(15:36:46) anotak: getting good at games is hard
(15:37:19) mc_usher: you can make a living off breaking even at poker via rakeback, or at least you could before
(15:37:57) anotak: brb
(15:39:07) mc_usher: I have a bunch of good poker ebooks I can send
(15:39:20) mc_usher: so send me details, all
(15:39:51) boringdoug: hit me up: *email edited*
(15:43:08) iamlucaschilds: I guess I could use a link banner on magic sites
(15:44:00) iamlucaschilds: no way man it's generating a brand
(15:44:17) iamlucaschilds: keep harrying them
(15:45:30) boringdoug: bye!
(15:46:35) platypusplatoon left the room.
(15:48:46) mc_usher left the room.
(15:51:53) iamlucaschilds left the room.
(15:58:05) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will automatically rejoin the chat when the account reconnects.