Holy shit, I just read Grenzo again. He says each creature that deals combat damage, not just him. That's bonkers. He's basically red Edric.
Holy shit, I just read Grenzo again. He says each creature that deals combat damage, not just him. That's bonkers. He's basically red Edric.
Holy shit, I just read Grenzo again. He says each creature that deals combat damage, not just him. That's bonkers. He's basically red Edric.
Is it just me or is this the new Muzzio's Preparations? (IE solid on most creatures but outright broken on some. Gravecrawler in this case, Persist creatures in the latter)
Also, what the HELL is Goblin Balloon Brigade doing in this set?
Wait. I figured it out as I was typing it. It's to give red a cheap evasive pinger to steal the Monarch off of someone.
Or, if it goes anything like last Conspiracy, you can take every single Goblin Balloon Brigade that no one wants and name Goblin Balloon Brigade with all 5 hidden agendas you drafted.
Agree with you Daretti, too strong and not the right colours. Kaladesh if it gives black something interesting to do with artifacts might make me reconsider.
But black has the Other-Other(-...Other) Titan that is all about artifacts. Remember the Shards!
This is bascially the only monoblack card thats any good that cares about artifacts by the way
12 pages of "Fear, intimidate, fear, fear, nim..." and that guy.