I am going to toss my hat into this, but only for a moment. And it is explicitly against what I wanted to do, mind. But, here I am, joining in. Because I feel guilty, for putting all of this burden on Lucre, and because I want all of you to count me among those who have been put off by this debate.
When Lucre proposed renaming manlands, there was, for me, an "I see you" moment. It's a very nice moment, to feel that someone understands how I come at the world, and in this instance, it felt like Lucre had signaled that he shared my perspective that any step towards being more inclusive is an acceptable step if it does not do harm in and of itself, whether or not that step has real, measurable results or not. "Manlands" is not a question of oppression for me, or a question of "social justice" in a truly meaningful sense; it was, for me, literally a question about making the language friendlier in a very easy way, which has no cost to me and potentially some upside for someone else (and certainly I did not expect to start policing anyone over it). Super low-impact, though, for sure.
I reiterate: No, I don't think that homophobia and transphobia and misogyny is all perfectly being maintained by the term "manlands", and I don't think that was ever some express connection being proposed here; it's that it's another small thing that might amount to nothing much, or might amount to something nice, if it was done away with. That's what a lot of steps towards being more inclusive with language are really about: making an effort at something that might improve things for a few people, maybe, and at no real cost.
However, that's something I feel is being strongly hinted at by some of the posts I've seen that are “trying to interrogate social justice and its utility” or whatever over-intellectualized horseshit I'm seeing: this implication that changing the term must serve some explicit purpose (ideally ending the wage gap, apparently) or else it's just “another sign of PC culture going too far, the outrage ever-spiraling, the abysmal tumblr hordes making inroads upon Riptide...” or at least, that's certainly how many of you are making your cases, as if this is part of some wider movement, and you're out to Expose Yet Another Progressive Folly or something. For me though, it was never about Ending Homophobia, Ending Misogyny, or Ending Transphobia, or anything else; I knew, as did everyone else in favor of re-terming, that it was low-impact (Tzenmoroth got at this in earlier posts).
Don't get me wrong: a lot of the early comments, they were perfectly fine and fair. I think all of the directly-on-topic stuff was completely acceptable. Stuff like "it's not about gender", "manlands is nice cuz it rhymes", "the new term would have to be really catchy...", "I don't see the need", etc. All of those were fine things to say. I respect opinions, even if I don't agree with them. That's tolerable - for me. Your opinion is none of my business.
But did it really need to devolve into the slugfest it did over what social justice is about or what it should mean or what's going too far or not going far enough or the dangers of censorship? I'm sure some of you are patting yourselves on the back for a debate well done, but this forum feels off now for me.
Again, don't mistake me here: if you want to poo-poo on the concept of coming up with a new term for "manlands", that's fine.
But it would have been great if we could have just had those opinions expressed and shared without really going into a full-on storm about why social justice is or isn't good, what is or isn't necessary, or whatever. This is not a call-out post, but you who have posted should be smart enough to figure out who was actively engaging in a discussion about manlands, and who was crapping out of their mouths as hard as they could, going off on tangents about the Woes of Modern Culture and What's Appropriate to Social Justice About.
It's surprising to see it handled so casually; I'd think you'd be a bit more courteous to your fellow posters, who might have to deal with some of these issues you're all debating so candidly, who don't come to card game forums to deal with this bullshit that pollutes every other social sphere, who would maybe like to come to a card game forum to feel positive and nerd out, and not have social justice be the main course in today's intellectual roasting. Most hobbyist forums are quite courteous in that regard; if they think a topic might be personal to other posters, they avoid it, because it's supposed to be a place to enjoy and share in a hobby, not potentially spoil someone's time by heavy debate about topics which may have personal meaning to community members.
But a lot of you were apparently quite unaware that you could be stepping on the toes of your community members with this, toes that were never extended in your way and only happened to be here because the person attached to them wanted to nerd out about cards.
I'm sure that unawareness feels nice.
Nerd culture is at its core very toxic because it's about intellectual one-upmanship oftentimes (Lucre got at this point in one of his posts), which makes it prone to this snooty, intelligentsia finger-wagging about "the troubles of censorship" and how "all ideas should be interrogated". I read John Stuart Mill too and I gotta say, I'm generally compelled but I think he'd have had a whole new take after seeing internet forums.
I'm not offended by how this thread has gone. I'm not outraged. But I feel uninvited by it.
And that's all I really have to say.