General Cube Drafting on MODO

Jason Waddell

Staff member
It has better visibility. I'm not sure the average channelfireball reader would take kindly to Freeware Magic, let alone whoever is the content manager thesedays.

Yeah, I couldn't get it published if we used Cockatrice. On Riplab, sure, but not on Channelfireball.


I don't have much of a collection online, but I might be able to help out here or there.


Staff member
I'll give ~30 tix if I can draft a couple of times :p

Also, what was the thought on the content?
  • Recordings on the drafting for as many people as possible?
  • Skype banter or just personal banter while drafting/playing?
  • Will everyone require recording epuipment or is it mainly just for J-Wadds to display?
  • Articles as well (sort of like the 3-0 thread)?
Just curious on what avenues to take. Would be happy to watch/read/participate in any such content

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I'll give ~30 tix if I can draft a couple of times :p

Also, what was the thought on the content?
  • Recordings on the drafting for as many people as possible?
  • Skype banter or just personal banter while drafting/playing?
  • Will everyone require recording epuipment or is it mainly just for J-Wadds to display?
  • Articles as well (sort of like the 3-0 thread)?
Just curious on what avenues to take. Would be happy to watch/read/participate in any such content
Well, I would probably make my own content and the rest would be free to record whatever they wanted.

I would be using it to test new ideas, like, had the idea of implementing some three-color squadron picks (pick one three-color card, get another spell and a land with it). Just testing ideas in the shell of an established cube.


Definitely would be fun, but if the goal is to pull in mainstream interest, we have to start with something that looks more like "real cube" (lol)

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
So the problem with mtgo cubing is the trading is laborious. Apparently there used to be some software that automated the trading process. Anybody have any idea about that?
Alternatively, if any of you can point me to mtgo trading bot software, I might be able to make something myself.


Is the trading really that bad? I mean, download the complete deck from whatever you draft in. Import into MTGO, set deck as wish-list, use wish-list filtering with the cube owner... Ok, that does get pretty cumbersome fairly quickly, especially if some of the cards are already in your collection.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Is the trading really that bad? I mean, download the complete deck from whatever you draft in. Import into MTGO, set deck as wish-list, use wish-list filtering with the cube owner... Ok, that does get pretty cumbersome fairly quickly, especially if some of the cards are already in your collection.
Actually that sounds pretty easy, I didn't know you could do that
I think there are sites that you can buy cards from and then collect them from the site's bots in MTGO, perhaps some variation of that could work?

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I had thought about maybe just having two accounts, and sharing the password to one of them. Then I just take the cards I need for my deck from the one, and my opponents each round use the main account to build their decks and play against me. Is that against some terms of service? Would I get robbed of the whole cube?

EDIT: Scratch this idea. I would want everybody to be able to use MODO, the two-account solution doesn't solve this.


Ecstatic Orb
I had thought about maybe just having two accounts, and sharing the password to one of them. Then I just take the cards I need for my deck from the one, and my opponents each round use the main account to build their decks and play against me. Is that against some terms of service? Would I get robbed of the whole cube?

Well, there's this:
The gist:
As long as you don't enter into events with multiple accounts to ensure you win, you are fine. Owning multiple accounts is definitely not against the ToS.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
So, here's a thought:
What if it's a kind of communal account where people can host their own cubes. To help parlay costs, people would get a "hosting license" one they contributed a certain amount to the project. Then they could host their own cube drafts via the account. There's a lot of overlap between RipLab cubes, so acquiring the cards for a second (or third) cube list would be a fraction of the cost of the first one.

Then we can make a calendar where people schedule drafts to be run. Then you guys can draft on weeknights in the US.

The other benefit of having multiple cubes on there is that it makes it easier to test new cards, as we'd have a larger pool to choose from. RipLab has been around a few years, maybe we can start doing something cool with it.


Hate to say it but it gets more dangerous the bigger your pool of players and hosts are :/

Only takes one friend-of-a-friend getting invited by some new RipLab host to fill that 8th slot at the last minute and our sweet communal pool is out hundreds.