Oooh shit I forgot about that. Okay, no worries, I'll patch that next. It's simple, just check the dictionary on insertion and increment if appropriate
1 marsh flats
1 goblin guide
1 marsh flats
3 arid mesa
Card Name,Quantity,ID #,Rarity,Set,Collector #,Premium,
"Arid Mesa",3,34414,Rare,ZEN,211/249,No
"Goblin Guide",1,37917,Rare,TD0,B17/41,No
"Marsh Flats",2,34646,Rare,ZEN,219/249,No
So is the modo account homogenised now? Or did you figure some way around that?
Heads up, the host I was using for this is cancelling their free tier tomorrow. Life has been pretty hectic for me lately so I've not had time to sort out a new provider. I'll get something operational when I can, in the mean time, we're back to doing things the old fashioned way as of 3/25/16.
If this is painful enough that somebody wants to throw a credit card at the problem lmk and I'll give you account creds.