Cube Tool Cube Utility - Cloudshift Beta 1.0


Oooh shit I forgot about that. Okay, no worries, I'll patch that next. It's simple, just check the dictionary on insertion and increment if appropriate

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Oooh shit I forgot about that. Okay, no worries, I'll patch that next. It's simple, just check the dictionary on insertion and increment if appropriate

To clarify from our emails, I don't actually need to be able to feed my entire list in through Cloudshift. I got the entire 360 to load in MODO.


Just pushed version 1.2 - It now handles grid draft input such as:
1 marsh flats
1 goblin guide
1 marsh flats
3 arid mesa

and outputs:
Card Name,Quantity,ID #,Rarity,Set,Collector #,Premium,
"Arid Mesa",3,34414,Rare,ZEN,211/249,No
"Goblin Guide",1,37917,Rare,TD0,B17/41,No
"Marsh Flats",2,34646,Rare,ZEN,219/249,No


Redeployed it and it's working fine again... not sure what could've gone wrong to be honest.


Heads up, the host I was using for this is cancelling their free tier tomorrow. Life has been pretty hectic for me lately so I've not had time to sort out a new provider. I'll get something operational when I can, in the mean time, we're back to doing things the old fashioned way as of 3/25/16.

If this is painful enough that somebody wants to throw a credit card at the problem lmk and I'll give you account creds.


Staff member
Heads up, the host I was using for this is cancelling their free tier tomorrow. Life has been pretty hectic for me lately so I've not had time to sort out a new provider. I'll get something operational when I can, in the mean time, we're back to doing things the old fashioned way as of 3/25/16.

If this is painful enough that somebody wants to throw a credit card at the problem lmk and I'll give you account creds.

I'll try and find a solution to this. I'll shoot you a PM to get more details.


Bumping this to ask, have people used the above link? Any issues?

Haven't heard anything positive or negative from users on it since the change.


Staff member
It worked first go when Jason and I did your Grid draft last weekend. Worked perfectly for me.

Meltyman and I have a Grid League Draft tonight, so will mention if anything of note happens.


Fixed bug preventing users from submitting decklists in Firefox. Shout out Meltyman on the bug report.

Will be open sourcing this and starting to work on some cooler features as time permits over the next couple weeks :)