General Decks that have 3-0'd your cube


Its a pretty decent creature, great creature to fight stuff with. The main "problem" is its in the same spot as polukranos and its probably not a niche you want to double down on. I find graveyard value to be more green then intrinsic creature removal, so I go with the bug.

Also swarmyard.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Yeah, that's the only reason I don't currently run him. If we're evaluating them on objective powerful level, it's hard to argue with Polukranos's ability to dominate a board state. But maybe I can do a silent swap and see how my players react.
I remember loving Polukranos upon it first being spoiled, but that card has gone above and beyond what I expected of it.

Side Note: Boy did they drop the ball with Theros. Everything felt way passed safe, the second set introduced NO likable mechanics, Tarkir had MORE legends than the GREEK SET with a LEGENDARY SUBTHEME, they killed a fan favorite planeswalker, had barely any good uncharted realms stories that I can recall(though I rather liked the UG God's story of seeing the multivese), and standard was so crap at one point that all my friends went on haitus from the game up until Fate Reforged came out, because devotion decks are only fun about the first month of FNM you play with/against them.
i think theros really catered to the people who wanted an enchantment theme

... not

hey, Eidolon and Giant are cute.

(at least everyone knew it was supposed to be an enchantment block, a statistical improvement for WotC)


Ecstatic Orb
Side Note: Boy did they drop the ball with Theros.
Apparently there's 33 cards of Theros block in my 450 cube. 7% is not bad, considering the number of blocks in Magic's history and the fact that it's a multicolor cube. Tribute and inspire were pretty sucky mechanics though, there's no denying that :)
I like the late format RW decks. I liked that against all of Maro's wishes and against all modern discussion of new world order improvement the best endgame deck in the format was a bullshit wincondition-less 8 wrath deck that tried to merely outlast every opponent.

Theros was an interesting and kinda unique form of limited magic but you got sick of it quick. Lots of great C/U cards in there thanks to monsterous etc. If each set in that block had a rare set of constellation cards we might have a different story. I also found the stupid cartoony art hella lame.
isn't NWO all about creature combat and an era where spells are subjected to the rule of creatures? Like a lot of proponents of NWO are always extolling the horror of the bad old days where people won with their vedalkan shackles, a single copy of a blinking spirit or by tutoring for multiple corrupts etc.

Anyway of course I'm being glib, that deck and esper mill doing well probably mean we will be subjected to even more scaling back of tempo positive spells and damning sorceries. Though whoever's been working on this last block has made things much more exciting for small layered interaction decks, despite how dominant the haymaker decks had become. The removal speed being set back down to two could be a huge change with khans.

TBH I'm surprised maro let delve through, it's so not him.
well there is the booster pack side of it but then there is also the major trends of boardstate simplification, creature relevancy and bringing blocking back to constructed. Theres always lots of talk about how it wasn't the modern faceplate that heralded the change but something like alara or zendikar being the new era. Seriously Katona though, whats with this hair splitting you know what I'm fukin talking about lol. This gets talked about all the time.

And don't you start with me rasmus lol, maybe I'm not completely familiar with the discourse surrounding the false nostalgia and waves of changes popular among magic comentators but I understand the roots of it and I can identify themes. God you try to talk about what you did and didn't like about sets sometimes and it's like everyone on the forum is a negging boyfriend all the sudden lol

e: also yes, there definitely is. i won my BNG prerelease because my finals opponent assumed i didn't know i could tap down my pain seer with my Shipbreaker Kraken, drawing the spell i needed to win

that's a cute interaction but honestly it's not a rare occurrence for gross dudes to a)underestimate women, b)lose to them, c)complain bitterly as my squad take their prize packs
Anyway no hard feelings guys, sorry for the headache rasmus I wonder if this board has a block function because ya know I really can't help but make a complete shit of myself every once in a while
MaRo has stated that they want creature combat to be a larger focus than it has been in the past. But I honestly don't enjoy the scaling back on spells. MaRo regularly claims that spells have a history of being naturally better than creatures as they tended to change the state of the game much quicker. Though spells also can't win you the game in a vacuum, so I think he's exaggerating a bit. I agree that spells should be weaker and stuff like lightning strike, banishing light, & anticipation seems like the right level of power for the spells of old. At least as far as standard & my cube. Buffing creature-reliant spells in ways like Hammerhand & spectral flight feels extremely necessary. But Giant Growth with trample is NOT a 3 mana card & rebound didn't deserve a boot in the face. Now creatures are pushed pretty fucking hard, though. Siege Rhino would've been fine if all the 3s were 2s on that card. Red Dragon Regent would also be fine as a 3/3 with everything else the same. On a quick side note, I'd like to say I still hate manifest. Lastly, I hate that MaRo personally thinks sac abilities should now have mana costs as well & only be free infrequently. It's as if destroying your own board isn't enough of a cost as is. But I'd say WotC is still doing decently well. If Khans has outsold Theros(which I'm sure it has), that makes it the best selling set. Proving that complexity isn't as big an issue as they think. So who knows? Maybe things will change. Maybe we'll get Mana Leak but for UU. That seems fair by today's standards. One can hope.
one of my friends who is a woman wins the draft FNM probably 80% of the time but people still try to explain to her the rules. one person complained "she only wins because she's a girl and people pass her good rares to try to get with her"..... what planet do these people live on

well there is the booster pack side of it but then there is also the major trends of boardstate simplification, creature relevancy and bringing blocking back to constructed. Theres always lots of talk about how it wasn't the modern faceplate that heralded the change but something like alara or zendikar being the new era. Seriously Katona though, whats with this hair splitting you know what I'm fukin talking about lol. This gets talked about all the time.
well then call it what it is, modern design philosophy, not specifically NWO. boardstate simplification has to do with common/uncommon complexity i guess, but i'm not sure that it was such a bad thing.

they obviously just moved the focus a little bit. but as the RTR-THS esper / uw decks you mention show, they're perfectly willing to let the oldschool draw-go stuff shine from time to time. there was the plain UB drownyard deck in the later parts of INN-RTR as well that was around here and there. or the UWR/UWB decks that played resto and revelation and snapcaster and etc

i dunno man, i just don't really see a problem with any of this. it's still magic, and it isn't even worse magic, it's just different. i can't comment on old draft formats vs new because i've always really disliked non-cube draft. but constructed is still fun depending on the format. i've enjoyed standard lately now that my friend who is always testing for FNM bugged me for cockatrice games. and i'm always down to fuck around with some legacy and vintage. when i started playing, my friend who taught me pulled out his old constructed decks like UG madness and the forbidden phoenix, so even though I started much later I had a lot of fun and experience against some of that stuff. it just seems all too much based on your posting like you go in expecting to hate everything new. and then when you do that, of course you do end up hating it!

but really my issue was that you said "it's against maro's wishes", like what? where does that even come from? that UW/Esper decks were piss easy to come up with, it was pretty much a day 1 creation on theros release. that was very much obviously intended, you don't go printing sphinx's rev and verdict and not plan for that type of deck to exist. and it's also just completely silly to lay the entirety of blame at Maro.

for what it's worth, i thought the UW/esper decks were the only cool part of RTR-THS standard, that format was p atrocious. i liked INN-RTR very much though, and THS-KTK is alright.

Dom Harvey

While sorting cards recently I realized that the vast majority of creatures in my Cube are indeed Modern-legal but so are many of the spells. I think a lot of the older sets are poorly designed in general (or at least in the ways that matter) more so than favouring spells.
Nah dude I was talking about the deck that took a while to find, with the chalice + instant speed boardwipe endgame. Hardly a day one version of that deck lol, most of the normal ones were more pw and angel centric.
Also I was talking about the innistradt mill land esper deck. You know that thing I'm talking about.

It's not so much the magic I complain about, since I don't feel invested in constructed anymore, it's the talk. Anyway I'm sorta glad I wasn't playing a lot during our recent whip-pocalypse or other eras of mindranged madness vs go under deck, but it does give me serious satisfaction that by the end of the 3rd sets rotation people have figured out how to make a winning control deck and in response people start designing aggro decks to beat control again.

I don't lay the entirety of the blame on maro, he's just super convenient, relax I think he's a fine character I just don't like the cultural memes he represents lol
Yeah but it took a long time for people to make an actual winning one that became the dominant control deck (though some people insisted espeth and creature heavier ones were better) and fate ret and divination versions of that deck were a novelty for a long time dude. Not that I want to get quagmired with someone talking about nuances of a theros deck lol.

Like going espeth light was not a very popular day 1 decision dude you gotta admit ur bein glib here to show me whats what lol