General Decks that have 3-0'd your cube


yeah but every other deck wants those kinds of cards too. my deck would have been somewhat better with a siege-gang but i had to pick a bunch of lands so i didn't die to my manabase (though i ended up killing myself with it instead).

so the main problem is that i had to jump ship from U after p1 and all the pods somehow made it into p2. fortunately it was easy to tell mono-U wasn't gonna work out thanks to the utility land draft!
Going forward I dunno if I want to include the Pods, 3 did seem like the right number and the effect seemed fun and fair but god was it hard to draft it well enough to have constructive pod chains.



Is that 3 polluted deltas I see? Can you please put your list on cubetutor. I think my ADD makes learning anything at tapped out impossible if I'm not heavily medicated.
I played what I thought was Powered Cube on Tuesday night, and thought I had just got an unlucky draft, but apparently Samuels cube has recently gone into a reduction in power! Now no moxes, mana vaults, lotus, rings or ancestral. Some of the other busted stuff persists like mana drain and time walk, but its certainly a change! I'm kinda sad to see it go. I like that sorta breakneck zaniness as a treat every once in a while. I also like how it makes certain sorts of disruption feel so much better.

Anyway I lost to Sam first round and immediately wanted to be playing his deck. The night was all about mana disruption and big tempo swings:

Sam's Planeswalker Wildfire

His sideboard included Stagger Shock, Cryptic Command (!!!!!!) and Miscalculation.

Play of the night:
I finished my 2nd round up fast enough to see Sam win a control mirror by the weight of: Turn 3 Solemn Simulacrum, suspended Greater Gargadon and an Academy Ruins. It must have been like watching a tidal wave heading your way. Getting his gargadon Memory Lapsed did not make much of a difference.

Runner up:
A UG deck responded to a Turn 4 Baneslayer Angel by calmly untapping and doing their own Turn 4 Plow Under and Vapor Snag. Gods, I'm going to be second guessing around Vapor Snag for months!
this was the first actual draft i've managed to have of my cube (slightly budgety 360), although it was only 6 people.
this 3-0'd, the basics got separated

Jund Fatties



today i will try something a little different: instead of bitching about other people's poor ideas, i will praise some of their poor ideas


somehow the following pile managed to x-1 (nobody leaves my cube nights unbesmirched), and by 'somehow' i mean 'he cheated with thawing glaciers.' come on man!! this isn't contemporary sandy and arctic ocean doom and gloom. they're still THAWING!! they only give up a land once every two turns, not every turn. the card was printed in 1996. who had heard of fracking then?

anyway, its minoru-yamasaki-khalid-sheikh architect and pilot was a smug, balding asian man whose name i will not mention for fear it will further inflate his ego. later he, a local legacy ringer whose play on camera against C. Wong in rd6(?) of april's legacy open was totally flawless, claimed that he didn't know conscripts + kiki was a kill because "modern is a bitch-ass format."

Slow Boros

Sweet decks guys!
I think it's so cool when RW not aggro does well. Red and white have such killer midrange cards and reset buttons but it never seems to come together without wildfire and even then usually only with the aid of an enable colour like blue or green to see extra cards and maybe play a planeswalker.

Chris Taylor

somehow the following pile managed to x-1 (nobody leaves my cube nights unbesmirched), and by 'somehow' i mean 'he cheated with thawing glaciers.' come on man!! this isn't contemporary sandy and arctic ocean doom and gloom. they're still THAWING!! they only give up a land once every two turns, not every turn. the card was printed in 1996. who had heard of fracking then?

The above "cheating" works like this:

Activate Glaciers in the middle of your opponent's end step
Since "end of turn" effects have already triggered, thawing glaciers will bounce during your end of turn
untap and activate it again.

Add Garruk Wildspeaker for fun and profit.

Honestly, I think the card is rather awful without it, and I cut it from my cube even though I made a point of explaining this to everyone who picked the thing...
Activate Glaciers in the middle of your opponent's end step
Since "end of turn" effects have already triggered, thawing glaciers will bounce during your end of turn
untap and activate it again.

I didn't RTFC and would bounce the Glaciers as part of its cost. This was occasionally relevant because it allowed me to make a second land drop on the turns I mainphased the activation. No one called me out on it until the last match.

Thawing Glaciers did everything I wanted. Fix lands, thinned deck, shuffled for Top, and made CML rage.


(redacted) hey, can you edit my name out of the riptide post?

hahahha sure


my paranoia extends to minimizing google hits on magic sites
The above "cheating" works like this:

Activate Glaciers in the middle of your opponent's end step
Since "end of turn" effects have already triggered, thawing glaciers will bounce during your end of turn
untap and activate it again.

Add Garruk Wildspeaker for fun and profit.

Honestly, I think the card is rather awful without it, and I cut it from my cube even though I made a point of explaining this to everyone who picked the thing...
I used to take that card absurdly high with the trick online. Might not be worth it now that the format is faster but it's still a trick I love.

Chris Taylor

It sure makes the card better, but I'm not sure it makes it worth it :p
Those 1 land + glaciers hands are always so loose. Maybe you do the maze of ith/gaea's cradle deckbuilding technique, where it's not really a land? It's possible I've just been doing it wrong all these years

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member

Calvin's 'I Don't Care That The Guy Two Over To My Right Is Also Boros, I Never Lose' Boros Deck

I spent a lot of that night asking if things were elves for my eye lights ending. I think I about 70% of the games I played came down to the wire. I just just couldn't get tense because I knew, no matter what either of our intentions were, the board position would be -entirely- different within 2 turns.

Those games were so fun.
I think we all took some loses to Denix's mirror entity + planeswalkers deck.
I agree, that was a sweet night of cubing with many great games!

To clarifiy, that deck didn't go 3-0, but 4-1 in matches. In the amount of time that Eric went through about 6 games... :)