Man, your cube is basically looking like mine.
Removal, removal, need some removal!
Lets start simple, what are we doubling up on and why? I don't think this is a 4xVolcanic Hammer cube, I think we can afford to be a little faster than that.
Burst Lightning has that sweet modal capability, and looking at the creatures we have added thus far, seems like very solid removal. There are not a lot of x/3s, but a reasonable number of x/4s. Take that Lightning Bolt! We don't even need you! That said, if I find the spells-matter deck needs a bit of a boost, I might need to turn one into a second Firebolt. Tragic Slip is a very interesting card. Aggro decks don't really want it, since it is pretty bad at removing blockers, but slower more grindy decks can get incredible value out of it, and that is without mentioning the sacrifice synergies.
I have to provide some method for handling Gravecrawler and the like, so we need some tuck and exile.
Condemn pairs up with Innocent Blood as 'removal that aggro won't touch', ensuring that our control decks have early interaction. Pillar also brings us to a large number of
A pair of Oblivion Rings and a Bonds of Faith rounds out White's removal. Bonds is an interesting card that I have had on my radar since looking into Humans a while back. I really want to test it out, but it might prove less successful than something like Pacifism or Path to Exile. O.Ring is just good.
How about some free removal, for keeping everyone honest? Not free, but lets just say 'You don't pay for it with money...'
To be honest, I have never seen anyone aim a Fireblast at anything other than another player's face, but it could remove a creature I guess. I have run Slaughter Pact before, and think it is interesting, but these cards certainly have a greater tension to them.
I am not sure just how dense I want the rest of the spot removal, but at this stage, here is a first pass.
- Magma Jet
- Mizzium Mortars
- Brimstone Volley (Added in the sac. package)
I am tempted to add something like Devil's Play, but I am starting to feel a little slot constrained in Red, and the above cards perhaps offer more.
- Doom Blade
- Go for the Throat
- Hero's Downfall
- Chainer's Edict (Added in the graveyard package)
Simple no-nonsense removal. Perhaps Ultimate Price could warrant inclusion if this is a little light-on (or heaven forbid, I could break singleton!).
Mass removal is also something I am thinking about at the moment, I am not thinking anything too far out of the ordinary, although assuming I had space for a single, red, damage-based mass removal (In addition to Mizzium Mortars and the two Wildfire), what should I go with? Pyroclasm? Anger of the Gods? Firespout? Blasphemous Act?!
Should I desperately look for an extra slot?