Mishra, Claimed By Gix is a
fine card that doesn't need to attack to get the trigger, but it feels like a bad
Hellrider on its front side. I wouldn't be brining it up if it didn't have a backside, but I'm a little worried that the Meld because I DO adore
Phyrexian Dragon Engine, on which Meld will be trinket text that may reasonably create feelbad for my players.
A 3 mana 2/2 is an OK place to start, but making it playable in any deck and opening it up for artifact synergies already gets us most of the way there. Even ignoring the many possible Welder shenanigans, by the time the red decks playing it can unearth it fairly, it's basically a Mulldrifter in your yard. And for those of you who know me, I never ignore Welder shenanigans.
The melded result is unbelievably strong, maybe too much: it doesn't feel like living the dream when the cards are a 3 drop and a 4 drop. Instead, it feels like you just randomly win the game by drawing a two-card Exodia. You can even unearth this half of it and get the flip after someone's already tried to take out the Dragon Engine once. I wish it was a little more work than that.
Ugh. Might include both, might include just the
Phyrexian Dragon Engine, but leaning towards neither right now.