So everyone here went 3-1 or 4-0? Are we all just amazing?
Haha, I'm one for two. I totally scrubbed out of my first prerelease during the second round. That plus the 4-0 means I break just about even.
So everyone here went 3-1 or 4-0? Are we all just amazing?
I absolutely would. I could conceivably see an RG ramp deck running one without blue mana in the deck, but I feel like that's the exception rather than the rule.Are yall classifying Emerge creatures by their Emerge colours? I'm thinking I will, because what kind of a mad person would cast Elder Deep-Fiend for, but it still feels a bit wrong.
Huh. I also like the card, but I find that I've used the Unsummon ability way more than the Remand ability. Interesting.
Got some testing in with this card, and woo boy, it is good. As I expected, the flexibility is what gives it the edge here, both being able to bounce things and spells is just so nice! Used it for the Remand side most of the time, but unsummoned at least one creature in response to something. Having both Venser and Unsubstantiate in the same deck was certainly fun. For those on the fence, would recommend!