Eric Chan's Modern cube (405)

Yeah everyone seems to try to make mask of memory work in their cube at some point. I wonder if it ever sticks.

I liked shroud because it costs 1 to equip, it increases power and it's a 3 drop kinda (beyond the obvious attrition advantage bit).

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Man, these suggestions are all gas. I like the point about costing 1 to equip, makes all the difference in the world.

I'm running Empyrial Plate right now, but I don't know if it'll catch on. Maybe either of these would make a good substitute?

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Mask of Memory seems kind of marginal if you only trigger it once. And that's not necessarily given. But if you're attacking them and connecting, then... win more... better to just play another creature... hmm.... I've never play it but it seems pretty iffy. I could imagine being wrong though.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
So it seems like that time has finally come: aggro is, at this juncture, too good. Between me slowly but gradually shrinking the cube from roughly 405 cards down to its current size of 368, doubling and quadrupling up on strong one drops (Champion of the Parish, Gravecrawler), and excising any number of raw two-for-ones, neither control nor midrange are typically able to withstand the onslaught of rushdown weenies. Boros and Rakdos, in particular, are nigh unbeatable when the nut draft deck comes together (especially if either Lucas or Calvin are at the helm). I think it might be high time to put the brakes on nerfing control, and try to reverse that trend.

These are the relevant changes I swapped out last night. Am I going too far? Does this changelist look reasonable? I don't really know what I'm doing since I never buff midrange & control AHHHH HELP

Kor Skyfisher > Lone Missionary
Emeria Angel > Wall of Reverence
Jace, Architect of Thought > Jace, the Mind Sculptor
Nekrataal > Shriekmaw
Mizzium Mortars > Bonfire of the Damned
Hero of Oxid Ridge > Ember Swallower
Magma Jet > Staggershock
Lotus Cobra > Sakura-Tribe Elder (wasn't going to do this, but Calvin convinced me it's worth a shot)
Strangleroot Geist > Sylvan Caryatid
Beastmaster Ascension > Thragtusk
Duskmantle Seer > Baleful Strix
Ghor-Clan Rampager > Huntmaster of the Fells
[nothing] > Drogskol Reaver
Jinxed Idol > Wall of Tanglecord
[nothing] > Wayfarer's Bauble

To balance out the above list of changes, I'm also cutting a few control favourites. Olivia and Oona consistently see a ton of play, and while I don't think they're necessarily overpowered, I think they're due for a break, if only temporarily. Tamiyo is coming out because I want to keep the number of monocoloured walkers per colour at two.

Olivia Voldaren > [nothing]
Oona, Queen of the Fae > [nothing]
Tamiyo, the Moon Sage > Logic Knot
I feel like I need to take up the cause of strangle-root advocacy.
I'm confidant that when people understand him they will learn to love him.

PS I am so excited about the value reaver!
PPS Peter will love wall of reverence but I am sure to hate it!

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Have you ever played with the card? It creates miserable, miserable drawn-out games. I would go into the tank here, I think you can do much better.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Hmmm. You have a point.

Anybody got suggestions for halfway decent defensive white cards, that don't prolong midrange mirrors indefinitely..? Lifegain is a bonus, but not strictly necessary.

Too janky?

Jason Waddell

Staff member
What about this baller of a card?

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Faithmender! That's perfect. Going into my shopping cart, immediately.

I.. have no idea what to think of that Genju.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
This card doesn't seem like the worst, but I guess nobody knows about it because of Baneslayer and Archangel. Probably not what you need though.

Chris Taylor

Genju is sweet because (Like raging ravine) you can activate it mutliple times and get lots of counts of old lifelink, so it's a manland that is actually kinda sweet on T6

Faithmender sounds ballin :p
I think they errata 'd that one!
I had a deck that made use of that in the old Mirrodin / Ravnica days. Between that and shining shoal there was an awful lot of ways for a mono white deck to spend it's cloudpost mana. Clestial Kirin was also just the bee's knees. I'm always sad there won't be any more arcane.

Dom Harvey

you can't do it any more, not sure why but I remember they mentioned that card specifically. I believe it was changed to an overwriting characteristic or w/e the technical term is
you can't do it any more, not sure why but I remember they mentioned that card specifically. I believe it was changed to an overwriting characteristic or w/e the technical term is
Yeah that's what I remembered Dom but it might be the case that they did away with those edits when they made the jump to simultaneous in lifelink.

BTW I believe the MS-08 DOM is my favourite mobile suit