Ok, I'll bite. The problem I always find with the current green pool is the quality of most green middling drops (3-5) is so much higher than the 1-2 drops which are more manadorks or utility creatures than actual threats, making green aggro very miserable. In addition the green low drops don't have real aggressive abilities or evasion to give the archtype a way to finish the fight (trampling 3 power guys are not getting there), which makes it feel like it loses to literal everything
And the "good aggro' gold cards in the list are perfectly midrange. I think blue's best reason to splash green is edric, which actually rewards green aggression.
I don't think the gruul ponza makes the green aggro deck better...the archtype needs more pressure and quality bodies than the disruption. As much as I love the land d, that nest invader is still going to have trouble winning any race. I think a gruul strategy could use more tricks, especially with the lowered removal quality. It just needs several more ways to push through some other powerful cards without losing a ton of card advantage.
I'm still toying with the selfmill strategy in my cube (/pile). I think the most important part is adding stuff that can activate from the grave. The G/B aggro deck really likes
dreg mangler, and I'm also toying with unearth and
deadbridge goliath +co. The slower (reanimator) archetype could use stuff like deadbridge chant and worm harvest to go long as well. I've got my eye on
Nemesis of Mortals as well. The idea is that most of these cards are perfectly playable otherwise, but they should have additional value in this archtype. These haven't really been tested though.