Eric Chan's Modern cube (405)

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Additionally you could cut Olivia.

You know in terms of balance of aggro, Shock is a much more "anti-aggro" card than Lightning Bolt. Shock is less useful in clearing out blockers, less useful at burning the face or midrange dudes like Olivia, but still great against aggro 1- and 2-drops.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Olivia's on the chopping block, and has been for a while. She's on the high end of the power level spectrum here, and she feels ban-worthy. Lucas, you had her mowing down troops all day - how do you feel? Was she too good?

Flooded Strand and friends are all your fault. Learning from Legacy fancy Latex tables well reasoned arguments mumble mumble...
No it was more like she was threatening all day but really my mana always had other stuff to do. She was a 3/3 or 5/5 most of the time in my games. She is very scary, especially because it's one card, but she costs about right for the amount of work that has been done in mana. I also really like that she gives depth to rb decks.
My buddy and the man that introduced me to cube Myles told me this place at Eglington and Mount Pleasant had given him verbal confirmation that they'd be happy to host his cube sessions. He mentioned he hasn't taken it up yet though.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
I thought this would be fun to post, because "reanimator" (and I use that term quite loosely) only happens once a in blue moon over here in Modern land. All the stars have to align, and the all the sacrifices to the gods have to be proffered. And even then, it's not particularly stellar. I thought I was doing well until I ran into UW tempo, which is a deck I probably can never beat in a million years. Venser shipping my reanimated, uncastable Woodfall Primus back into my hand to continue the Geist beatdowns unabated was a kick in the junk.

But.. hey! Reanimator!

Modern BUG 'Reanimator'

Favourite plays of the day:

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I thought this would be fun to post, because "reanimator" (and I use that term quite loosely) only happens once a in blue moon over here in Modern land. All the stars have to align, and the all the sacrifices to the gods have to be proffered. And even then, it's not particularly stellar. I thought I was doing well until I ran into UW tempo, which is a deck I probably can never beat in a million years. Venser shipping my reanimated, uncastable Woodfall Primus back into my hand to continue the Geist beatdowns unabated was a kick in the junk.

But.. hey! Reanimator!

Modern BUG 'Reanimator'

Favourite plays of the day:

I looked at your mana base and thought "Jesus, 3 white sources just for the possibility of hardcasting Iona?" then later realized "oh right, Unburial Rites".
What an awesome Loam deck! I always wana see more ways to put things into the graveyard though.

On another note. I'm curious about how much shuffling can be done in white (and other colours) 1-3 drops to cram in more humans. The Champions seem like they could use some help.


as a red card lightning bolt by definition cannot be too good.

burst lightning has seem some modern play, it's a reasonable inclusion

man this cube has really become sweet. how's lash out working for y'all?

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Man, you are on top of things, CML. I only made that change last night, so it hasn't been put through the wringer yet. When I had it in a while back it was fine, and I vividly remember killing Garruk's beast token and then Garruk with it. Yeah, I got lucky, but.. it's gotta be better than Volcanic Hammer, which it's replacing. Right..?!

I think I'm gonna ban Thragtusk. While it was probably responsible for at least two of my four game wins with my monstrosity above, I don't think it's healthy for the environment. Like CML said somewhere else, it's a mini-Wurmcoil Engine. I like me some life gain, but man, Tusk just eats aggro decks alive. I dunno - Lucas, what do you think? Were there any cards in my deck or Matthew's that seemed out of line?

Yeah, Champion is a little underwhelming right now. I don't want to go too far out of the way to support him, because the payoff isn't necessarily worth your while to go out of the way and draft towards. I figure it's fine if it ever hits 3/3. Don't forget the best human out there, Mirror Entity!

Also gonna try Infest, at CML's suggestion. I had this one in years ago, and it was sweet back then, so it's probably still sweet now.
I'm gonna put this stuff here so I remember to bother you about it:

How can we make it more consistent for loam//crucible decks to find their card?

I think one of your recent updates may have included a bunch of cards that make life harder for 2/1 decks. Cards that are sweet against 2/1 decks feel like putting poop on the arrow pointed at the guy at the firing line.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Maybe I could just double up on Loam? It's kind of a fun card when it gets going, and there aren't any Strip Mine shenanigans to worry about here. There would still need to be some sorta payoff for actually getting a Loam engine chugging along, though. What are we thinking - ways to pitch lands for value (Seismic Assault), or stuff that wants lands in the yard (Worm Harvest)? Hmmm, do I need to bring in Calvin again, I'm out of my league here.

Hah! Well put. Yeah, I'm constantly struggling to find the right balance for the fair attacking decks that just want to turn a bunch of two-power guys sideways. And even the most innocent of 1/3's can really put a damper on those plans. Just last weekend, Spellskite bought the winning UB control deck double digits worth of turns over multiple games to set up their gameplan and do Bad Things, for a really minimal commitment. So I'm benching him for a while. What are the recent changes that make your spider sense tingle, though?
In my experience the payoff is that it helps you hit land drops that you can't draw because you're trying to dredge and fill up the graveyard every turn. As long as you support an aggressive dredging for value / graveyard value deck, you don't need to be able do anything with the lands to make it a good card. I'd recommend that, especially since there's so much fewer lands matter cards.


I just got back from a Standard tournament and all I can say is that banning Thragtusk and Olivia seems reasonable. (Rant: I like green, i play green as much as possible, and I hate Thragtusk. He's the stereotypical "big dumb value dude without any interesting decisions" and as such has set the "Green is sweet" movement back a decade -- see: Ravenous Baloth.)

Though I don't mind Olivia in a faster Cube, in a slower one she seems very hard to beat.

The new legend rule makes Olivia mirrors just delightful, too
What do you have against ravenous baloth CML?
Yeah I'm not a big fan of how the new legend rule removes answers from decks. I liked how they limited the potential for powerful legends by adding in more kill clauses that directly influenced the situations a designer might try to avoid with those cards.

I really don't mind thragtusk but I think it might be more aggravating for people who have gotten the chance to get sick of it. I can see where you might be coming from.

RE: Crucible
I think I'll just pick up all the extra Tectonic edges next time I see the both of them tabling. It'll be funny.


nothing against the baloth, but when damage stacked back in the day he was more or less Thragtusk (or so i hear)

i hate crucible but i hate it less than i hate the tedious and durdly loam
Now heirarch with a greater good and a glare and a jitte in play and a million creatures! Damage stacks and you're going into combat! Now theres an interesting fun situation with interesting fun decisions!



I wish my Cube had more beasts

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I cannot agree more. Lets get some mangara of corondor and riptide lab too.
What are some other CITP wizards? What are some respectable beasts?

Of course none of these work for poor eric.

I dunno, Eric hasn't still answered my "why Modern restricted" question to my satisfaction. Truth is he doesn't have to logic it out. He can just say "because I feel like it" and that's probably good enough for me. But I still want to know! You can't "technical difficulties" your way out of this one.

Dom Harvey

The fact that Magic's been around for 20 years and some people have been with it for that long is scary, and newer cards are less obvious reminders of our own mortality.

Also they're pretty!