But but but.. BG Zombies at the beginning of season no Sign in Blood! And c'mon, Vampires was a weird deck. Only Goth kids and Twilight fanfiction junkies played that.
You know, now that I think about it, Staggershock is mostly just a slower Pyroclasm. So why does it feel that much more gut-wrenching to be on the receiving end? Maybe it's the nature of the delay of the second casting that puts the Fear of God into you. With clasm, you bin all three of your 2/1's, and move onto Plan B. With Staggershock, you only ever lose two dorks, but I suppose it feels like having a loose tooth pulled out bit by painful bit, rather than yanked out hard in one go.
I think I'm gonna slot Inferno Titan back into my cube. It can handle the bearded man!
You know, now that I think about it, Staggershock is mostly just a slower Pyroclasm. So why does it feel that much more gut-wrenching to be on the receiving end? Maybe it's the nature of the delay of the second casting that puts the Fear of God into you. With clasm, you bin all three of your 2/1's, and move onto Plan B. With Staggershock, you only ever lose two dorks, but I suppose it feels like having a loose tooth pulled out bit by painful bit, rather than yanked out hard in one go.
I think I'm gonna slot Inferno Titan back into my cube. It can handle the bearded man!