couple of highlights from my last cube update


it was pointed out to me by multiple drafters that while Dictate of Heliod isn't necessarily too
powerful for my list, it's very uninteractive. it's for the same reason that i removed
Eldrazi Monument a while back. Goldmane may or may not be better than Dictate, but at least can be attacked, and Sublime allows the "going wide" deck to have another angle of attack


speaking of going wide! the giant pack of hawks really wasn't cutting it. without swords to strap on, they were, in the words of one of my players, the "world's slowest
Lingering Souls". despite being
part of the winning deck last week, they were far and away the weakest part of that deck. i'm going to try a couple of instant speed token makers, to give the archetype a little more play, and also see if i can stretch the theme out to green

okay you people were right here, Oppressive Rays is awful
nothing ---->
blue needs more (good) counters


not a one-to-one mapping in terms of colour pairs, i know, but this is riptide lab!

i seem to be the only person in the world who drafts or plays Persecution, so as much as i love it, maybe it's become something of a pet card. i'm still not sure if Hussar is a thing or not, but it probably leans too far on the combo end of the spectrum to be cubeable.
Selesnya Charm has been both capable and flexible in the last two drafts, so I'm trying out its narrower cousin again, Boros Charm, bringing me up to three guild charms total. lastly, i didn't believe UG tempo-ish, counter-light decks existed here, but apparently they do, so Shardless gets another shot

standard reminded me that mass removal in artifact form can be usuable, and i think O-Stone is more playable than
Perilous Vault. Obelisk was a neat idea, but no one came within forty feet of it in months