Sets [FDN] Foundations (a new Core Set)

On the PT stream today, they announced a new Core Set, to be released this year and remain Standard-legal until "at least 2029":

They showed five cards - Llanowar Elves, Omniscience, Day of Judgment, and a pair of pretty sweet ones:

(...also, all enchantments will have the "Nyx Frame" going forward from Foundations, which I like because it makes them visually distinct.)

More information to come eventually, but I figured hey, might as well make a thread.
Wow, I actually love all of this. It makes sense to have a core set for more than one year. And I like the Nyx frame used for enchantments.

Minor nit-pick: Why does the cat say 'this creature' instead of 'Nine-Lives Familiar'?
This is exciting. I hope the set includes a few simple designs that will become classics.

Every time they quit doing core sets, they come back to it. There must be something of value to it, right? I think part of the recipe for making them successful is that they don't need to be redone every year, so I really like this idea of making one to last several years. That should curb some of their impulses to do weird and stupid stuff to differentiate it from the previous core set.

Now that they are into Excitement over Simplicity for new player products, it will be interesting to see what they come up with here. This is easily the set of the year for me if they do it right.
Don't like that, takes away flavor, but whatever
I wonder if they will use a legendary creature's name (but not title) instead? They're willing to do it to save space - see Phlage, Titan of Fire's Fury which uses the shortened form of its name the first time it's written - and they already do it for the second+ reference on the card - see Phlage again, or Phelia, Exuberant Shepherd and so on - so it's not unthinkable at least.

I am also cautiously optimistic for a new core set, given that both of the new cards we've seen are pretty intuitive. Sure, there's a lot of words on Nine-Lives Familiar, but that's because there has to be to make "it has nine lives, don't cheat it" into actual rules words, you know? Plays a lot less complex than the number of words on it, I'd imagine.
"What would a set simply called Magic: the Gathering look like?" goes insanely hard and appeals to my very particular brain. More excited about this than almost anything else announced recently lol.

Also wild that they are committing to having Llanowar Elves and Day of Judgement in standard for 5 straight years.
This whole idea is probably a result of them shrinking the number of commons per set - it means that they can have staple effects in Standard without having to reprint Naturalize again (or whatever).
This whole idea is probably a result of them shrinking the number of commons per set - it means that they can have staple effects in Standard without having to reprint Naturalize again (or whatever).
Honestly feels kinda cool. Being able to have a more reliable card pool for standard seems great for making the prospect of getting into the format more appealing. It feels like moving the needle slightly towards an "expandable card game" in that you can easily get (some of) the staple cards.
I like this product. Great idea.

I think some people will complain about certain cards not rotating for years and years. Like a card like Llanowar Elves maybe.

I think the “Until 2029 minimum” will not be extended any further. I think they will for sure give us something new in 2029. Maybe a new product or Foundation 2.0.
Question to all: Do you guys think Standard will be even bigger now?

Before we had around 2 years of cards. Now we have 3 years. Soon we will have 3 years + Foundations. Right?