General Fight Club

Dom Harvey

Extricator is sweet, I'll have to try that

Bygone Bishop has been a lot better than Mentor of the Meek for me. The type of deck that has a bunch of cheap creatures usually wants to curve out and use the relatively low cost of its threats to develop its board more and more quickly. Having to pay the 1 upfront is a big cost. For me, I'm exploring a lot of artifact synergies atm so that makes Bishop a no-brainer.
I'm testing Counterpart right now, and so far it has been decent thanks to instant speed. My hope is for it to be strong in the blue graveyard lists where you can get multiple Honored Hydras or Nighthowlers, but I could see me replacing it easily.

Vizier is A LOT stronger imo. Clone isn't bad and this is just Clone + another Clone. Busted.
Okay, one is VERY conditional while the other seems to be the best of all the clones out there. I guess I'm going without clones in my cube then, most of the time they aren't even fun. :>


I want to add another cc6-finisher besides new Linvala, but both of them look very strong. What are the arguments?
Sun Titan has a much higher base power level. The trigger is easy to get value off of. Yosei, the morning star can create a really degenerate lock if you can sac/recur it each turn (like with Feldon of the Third Path or something like that). The floor on yosei I feel is lower. If you can't abuse it, you get a fat flyer with no ETB effect and get a time walk when it dies. If they exile it, you get nothing.

I think all the Titans are a bit OP, so while I think Sun Titan is interesting, I can't bring myself to run it. Card is a little too good. Yosei is more the power level I prefer to be at (and I love cards with really high ceilings), so it's my personal choice between the two.
Clone effects are great because they can help to counterbalance bombs; they're never better than the best thing on the board, meaning that parity can be re-established when you're behind (copy villain's best creature) or an edge can be turned into a winning state (copy your own best creature). A lot of times, they're effectively a removal spell that can be much more interesting than just a removal spell, and I find Vizier of Many Faces to be about perfect as far as power level goes, because there are so many variables making Clone itself potentially undesirable. Breaking down the scenarios...
I don't really think getting a Clone now, and another Clone later once the first one dies is really "busted", and certainly not in a format where Sun Titan is even under consideration.
Pick 2 to cut:

My thinking was that I would cut Scrapheap Scrounger. I like the card, but I feel like it may be false signalling since I have an artifact theme, but it is in RW and not in black at all. Probably need to find another one to cut as well.
Blood Scrivener and Kalastria Highborn are my first instinct picks. Scrapheap is very good, and can be used in the RW deck sans any black

I can also see cutting pack rat for being very boringly good
Yeah rat was another one I was thinking about cutting. I am trying to get a discard theme going on which is why I have Blood Scrivener in there. It just seems hard to find cards that can go into a discard theme deck that aren't extremely narrow (like cards with madness which seem like they will only get picked by that exact theme). Scrivener seemed to be a flexible card that would reward discards.
You have Vampire and Zombie synergies there. Can you actually support both? If not I'd cut the least appealing cards the tribe to drop.

Regardless, I'd cut Pack Rat because it's GRBS and Apprentice Necromancer because I would not play it even in reanimator.


Ecstatic Orb
I would cut Pack Rat for being disruptive to interesting gameplay and being a very hard removal check.
I would cut Relentless Dead for being too color intensive and supporting a tribe that feels like it's not your main tribe. From these two drops it seems like you put more of a focus on vampires, so the other two BB cards seem like a better fit.
Blood Scrivener is not enough upside for being hellbent. It rarely triggers on its own in other decks. Asylum Visitor is the better version of the effect, and has madness to boot!

Bloodghast and Scrounger are far better discard payoff, just in this color/cmc
As far as supporting Zombies, these are the cards that syngergize with Zombies:

That doesn't include cards that just count as Zombies, obviously.

FUCK PACK RAT. That one card single handedly ruined so many RTR games by itself.

Sorry, I played a sealed PTQ where I 0-2 dropped because I faced turn 2 Pack Rat in both rounds. I have held a grudge against it ever since.

It’s a genuinely unfun card, though. Don’t run it.