Not defending Pack Rat... well, maybe a little. I don't think it's broken in cube. Removal is light years better in cube - which is one reason the card was busted in RTR limited (removal there was terribad). Second, cube is much higher power and also faster. Pack Rat is damn slow and while it can take over a game, it's pretty glacial compared to what most reasonably high power lists are doing. Nick ( doesn't even run it in his 554 list. Just want to get that perspective out there. IMO, this card is overrated by the community pretty severely.
That said, it does present a removal check moment and I too find those sorts of things to be a bit lame. So I don't think people should run it, just that if you do it's not going to be Jitte.
I like the idea of pack rat (rats getting out of control if you don't keep their numbers down - very flavorful), but it can be annoying in slower midrange lists.
That said, it does present a removal check moment and I too find those sorts of things to be a bit lame. So I don't think people should run it, just that if you do it's not going to be Jitte.
I like the idea of pack rat (rats getting out of control if you don't keep their numbers down - very flavorful), but it can be annoying in slower midrange lists.