General Fight Club

i think they lead to very different both very fun environs

wasteland can be one of the funnest magic cards in existence but people have to know they are signing up for a wasteland environ (which is a positive aspect of jason's 4 wasteland world)


I'm actually also not a big fan of life from the loam outside of certain environments. In the old cube, now that I look back on it, it was an overly narrow build around piece that never really justified its spot. In the new cube, it actually has the utility to justify its spot; as a way to ensure you hit your land drops in the slower B/U/G self-mill decks, while also filling your yard and digging through your deck. Its just a very different (and better i.m.o) card when its not defined as a cute utility land recursion engine.

I would probably not run either of them. Both of them really cater towards certain environments: wasteland to tighten up the value of lower CC cards and sequencing, and loam as a utility piece in slower graveyard centric self-mill decks. Sure, you can run them outside of those environments, but I would put the decision under the microscope.

Chris Taylor

Having run quad wasteland for a while, the only time it's ever screwed someone out of a game is when they (usually me) kept really greedy hands and couldn't have dealt regardless.

I think if you love both effects, Loam + Tec Edge is probably the way to go.
I guess it depends how they are supported, if there is any way to get things in the graveyard or if its just value after playing a bunch of spells, but if you can try both? Else I think Dig is probably the stronger card (although treasure cruise is just supersweet)

Chris Taylor

thankfully dig synergizes with more delve spells. It does suck that the mechanic's major benefit gets a long poorly with other, better graveyard mechanics though.

Nah, Dig put the other cards revealed on the bottom of the library :(

Things I like about dig: Instant, and double impulse is likely to be better than draw 3 when you can cast this thing.

during spoiler season I heard a lot of comparisons between dig and fact or fiction, a comparison I really don't think treasure cruise invites

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
I feel like only control decks, which tend to pack lots of narrow answers and a select few finishers, ever really need the selection of Dig Through Time, whereas Treasure Cruise can go in nearly any deck - see the Legacy deck that ano posted in the other thread.

{U}{U} versus {U} is a real thing when we're talking about delve, too.

Chris Taylor

I feel like only control decks, which tend to pack lots of narrow answers and a select few finishers, ever really need the selection of Dig Through Time, whereas Treasure Cruise can go in nearly any deck - see the Legacy deck that ano posted in the other thread.

{U}{U} versus {U} is a real thing when we're talking about delve, too.

I feel like the 3rd card will usually be a land though (Unless it's like said legacy deck and it's what, 10 lands?), so paying an additional U to up the card quality significantly is nice in my book

Also, while Dig was being compared to Fact or Fiction, Treasure Cruise was being compared to Ancestral Recall.

Just saying.

Yeah and they were totally not exaggerating anything :p
Nah, Dig put the other cards revealed on the bottom of the library :(

Things I like about dig: Instant, and double impulse is likely to be better than draw 3 when you can cast this thing.

during spoiler season I heard a lot of comparisons between dig and fact or fiction, a comparison I really don't think treasure cruise invites
Well I'm still casting those 2 spells right? Like next turn? It kinda reminds me of fueling my graveyard. I guess I just think of it too much like accumulated knowledgeing.


Card selection is great, but I think many cubes have ways to utilize raw card count. I think both cards are extremely real, have cubes that want them and are more interesting then a lot of the comparables.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Maybe I actually just run both for now. Not at all what I was expecting to do, but they both seem super sweet.


Treasure cruise is basically ancestral recall with a conditional threshold requirement. I do think though that both cards want environments where you can fill up the yard in a hurry and arn't using it as a resource: hence the U/R delver lists where its turning the usual array of burn and cantrips into more burn and cantrips. Delve also has real value in a format where you are limited on mana.

As for the three pump spells, I think it depends. For spells matter I think they are all rather poor, prefering something like distortion strike which in general synergizes better with the theme. Otherwise, I think I like titan's strength the most, because the scry on it can be valuable in those sorts of decks, where you are trying to maximize the impact of your draws.
Maybe I actually just run both for now. Not at all what I was expecting to do, but they both seem super sweet.

I sometimes wonder about how many slots you devote to creature decks that aren't actually creatures / make them.

I guess it's fun to make play a little more variable but these are decks with 23 playables, right, and like many of those decks are gonna have at least like 17 creatures if you are even considering playing titan strength. Then how likely are you playing titan strength over, magma jet, domri or something less blow out inducing, where you (in your role as cubemaster) are probz totes never cutting aggro cards for these tricksy plays because we are all very conscious about supporting low drop creature density, so the cuts come out of some other deck's hide for aggro's 23rd card.
Treasure cruise is basically ancestral recall with a conditional threshold requirement. I do think though that both cards want environments where you can fill up the yard in a hurry and arn't using it as a resource: hence the U/R delver lists where its turning the usual array of burn and cantrips into more burn and cantrips. Delve also has real value in a format where you are limited on mana.

As for the three pump spells, I think it depends. For spells matter I think they are all rather poor, prefering something like distortion strike which in general synergizes better with the theme. Otherwise, I think I like titan's strength the most, because the scry on it can be valuable in those sorts of decks, where you are trying to maximize the impact of your draws.
Treasure cruise is probably awful in environments where you kill creatures with faiths fetters and skinrenders and card draw/ selection spells tend to cost 3+ rather than 3 and under. Then again we have fetch lands. Devotion cultivation with building a permanent board vs graveyard cultivation maintaining spell velocity is a neat question.