I run both BWG tokens and BWR sacrifice as themes. Which of the above would you run as a bridging BW card?
I would say neither because these cards aren't great archetype anchors.
I ran Teysa back when she was new as an aristocrats/afterlife build around. She was
fine, but she was an overcosted vanilla creature roughly half of the time she was played. The types of engines
Teysa Karlov wants to be a part of are hard to assemble in most environments and Teysa doesn't contribute to those engines as much as one might expect.
Dramatic Finale is not a good card to use as a bridge. As Velrun pointed out, it's usually only castable in decks with only White or Black mana. A Green/White base token strategy or Black/Red base aristocrats deck can't use this card effectively, for example. Likewise, the trigger just isn't good in a token-heavy deck since it only works when a nontoken creature dies. In a lot of circumstances,
Dramatic Finale is just the world's worst
Glorious Anthem, which isn't ideal.
Personally, I would look to try something like
Hidden Stockpile (if you aren't on it already) as it does a much better job of bridging the gap between tokens and aristocrats, being a token and sacrifice enabler while also being a sacrifice payoff. Stockpile is super popular around here for a reason, it's great glue!
Otherwise, I would give some gold removal a look. Most designers seem to overlook gold removal spells when trying to curate synergy-based environments. Even though these cards might not spell out what the color pair is trying to do, they will usually go far further to making gold decks playable than a random signpost. For example,
Vanishing Verse goes great in not only Tokens and Crats, but other B/W based archetypes like Esper Control, Artifacts, Knights, and so on.
Hopefully this helps!