Ecstatic Orb
Yeah, fair. Gravecrawler is an interesting creature, so a retrace version should be fine 
Without hesitationGravecreeper
Creature - Plant Zombie
Gravecreeper enters the battlefield tapped
I mean, I'd play that.
this is BROKENGravecreeper
Creature - Plant Zombie
Gravecreeper enters the battlefield tapped
I mean, I'd play that.
That's mainly because Skullclamp is gross.Honestly, theRegrowth+Retrace is way more powerful than the Gravecreeper idea. Sure, the lil lad is gross with Skullclamp and Blood Artists etc, but so is every recursive 1-drop ever.
Hardly. Cards like Cult Conscript and Dread Wanderer are pretty much textbook examples of this type of design, and they haven't wrecked any format. This is only slightly pushed compared to those, and since lands in hand are a finite resource, this really should be fine.this is BROKEN
Regrowth can never be powerful because it’s so expensive. It will only be good in grindy control vs grindy control matches.
I agree that this card is strong, but a lot of people like their customs a little on the juiced side. Only testing would show if this is too much. Maybe this is a good space for the classic 3 mana 3/2.The 2/1 is broken in all formats. You want it in aggro and you want it in control.
It’s even hybrid. It’s nuts I tell ya
Those are very good examples to prove my point that it won't be more broken than the 2/1 that Karshtakavaar said here2G for just a Regrowth is rough, I agree, but Bala Ged Recovery and Shigeki are proof that the effect is viable at that rate provided it comes with some amount of flexibility, which retrace provides.
Honestly, theRegrowth+Retrace is way more powerful than the Gravecreeper idea. Sure, the lil lad is gross with Skullclamp and Blood Artists etc, but so is every recursive 1-drop ever.
A recurring 3/2 is a lot stronger than a recurring 2/1. I would just keep it at 2/1. The reason it's good has nothing to do with the stats itself. Gravecrawler is easier to recur repeatedly and isn't breaking any formats.I agree that this card is strong, but a lot of people like their customs a little on the juiced side. Only testing would show if this is too much. Maybe this is a good space for the classic 3 mana 3/2.
This is decidedly not broken in any format, because discarding a land is not free. Typically, a) you want to play lands to have access to more than one mana, and b) you don't have an unlimited supply of lands in your hand. It's a good aggro tool, because you can spare a land or two to recur this a few times and keep pressure on the table in those kind of decks. Murderous Scarecrow is absolutely horrendous in control decks, however, because the last thing you want to do is throw away lands for a 2/1. As a control deck you a) probably have better things to do than deploy a 2/1, and b) typically never want to miss a land drop. I can't think of a single true control deck that would be interested in this.The 2/1 is broken in all formats.
this is BROKEN
The 2/1 is broken in all formats. You want it in aggro and you want it in control.
It’s even hybrid. It’s nuts I tell ya
Hardly. Cards like Cult Conscript and Dread Wanderer are pretty much textbook examples of this type of design, and they haven't wrecked any format. This is only slightly pushed compared to those, and since lands in hand are a finite resource, this really should be fine.
I agree with Onder. There is a pretty big limiting factor on replaying this card (needing the lands in hand), so any "broken" interactions are limited to the number of lands you can actually draw. That's probably not more than one or two at a time, barring some multi-card engine or Skullclamp Skulduggery.A recurring 3/2 is a lot stronger than a recurring 2/1. I would just keep it at 2/1. The reason it's good has nothing to do with the stats itself. Gravecrawler is easier to recur repeatedly and isn't breaking any formats.
This is decidedly not broken in any format, because discarding a land is not free. Typically, a) you want to play lands to have access to more than one mana, and b) you don't have an unlimited supply of lands in your hand. It's a good aggro tool, because you can spare a land or two to recur this a few times and keep pressure on the table in those kind of decks. Murderous Scarecrow is absolutely horrendous in control decks, however, because the last thing you want to do is throw away lands for a 2/1. As a control deck you a) probably have better things to do than deploy a 2/1, and b) typically never want to miss a land drop. I can't think of a single true control deck that would be interested in this.
There are some good interactions. The Reaper King can turn Murderous Scarecrow into a repeating Vindicate, but this requires you to play a 5 color 5 drop and a sac outlet, and you still need a bunch of lands in hand. All in all that's on the tame side as far as combos go, honestly, since there are combos that require less mana and colors and win on the spot in any format where The Reaper King is legal. There's also Skullclamp, which could potentially draw you the lands you need to recast Murderous Scarecrow. So much value! Except, is Murderous Scarecrow really the problem here? This also works with many other outlets, like Gravecrawler, a card I don't think anyone here would call broken, and that card doesn't require you to discard resources to play it! No, the common factor here is Skullclamp, which is a broken card.
I feel like this kinda overvalues Regrowth effects (and I say this as someone who loves combos that involve looping cards with Regrowth effects).Honestly, theRegrowth+Retrace is way more powerful than the Gravecreeper idea. Sure, the lil lad is gross with Skullclamp and Blood Artists etc, but so is every recursive 1-drop ever.
I mean, we can agree to disagree, but I don't find your argument of "trust me, it's broken" very compelling for all the reasons I laid out. You haven't provided any examples of how the 2/1 is broken, nor have you provided any example of other recursive 2/1's historically being broken in (almost) all formats. One would think that Gravecrawler, needing only one additional zombie instead of a constant stream of lands in hand to recur, would have shown us all these broken interactions years ago, and yet... it never broke any format. It does see play in Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis decks, but I think we can safely assume that Hogaak is the broken card in this deck, considering that that's the card they decided to ban in modern when the deck got overwhelming there. Nowadays, Gravecrawler is restricted to Dredge decks (in Modern), in which it is just another cog in the wheel. I honestly can't see Murderous Scarecrow doing anything more broken than Gravecrawler.Naah it’s broken in (almost) all formats. No need to spend too much time arguing this. It’s unprintable.
I mean, we can agree to disagree, but I don't find your argument of "trust me, it's broken" very compelling for all the reasons I laid out. You haven't provided any examples of how the 2/1 is broken, nor have you provided any example of other recursive 2/1's historically being broken in (almost) all formats. One would think that Gravecrawler, needing only one additional zombie instead of a constant stream of lands in hand to recur, would have shown us all these broken interactions years ago, and yet... it never broke any format. It does see play in Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis decks, but I think we can safely assume that Hogaak is the broken card in this deck, considering that that's the card they decided to ban in modern when the deck got overwhelming there. Nowadays, Gravecrawler is restricted to Dredge decks (in Modern), in which it is just another cog in the wheel. I honestly can't see Murderous Scarecrow doing anything more broken than Gravecrawler.
"But unlike Gravecrawler, Murderous Scarecrow can block," I hear you say. So can Persistent Specimen, and it's not tearing up any formats. Sure, it costs 3 mana to activate, but you also don't have to discard a land to play it every time. Cauldron Familiar, now there's a recurring blocker that does see play, but not because it can block repeatedly, but because it can kill the opponent. I'm not convinced a 2/1 recurring blocker is better than, say, a Wall of Omens
Well, onder explained it quite good. How good is a 2/1 when you have to discard your land for it? A 2/1 is good at the early phase of the game, but often not good enough at the end. Discarding a land at the early phase of the game is painful, so it has that going against it. It is a real cost in the phase that matters and not good enough when the cost is low.Naah let’s be adults. No need to discuss it like that with such lengthy arguments over a design like this. The card is unprintable. I am not trying to make you specifically see the truth. Wizards won’t print it. If this was a custom card thread then we would have something to talk about. Custom cards everywhere these days. We're not going to talk about them in Fight Club.
Edit: I see what you mean with the 'Just trust me bro'. But on this one you're so far off the playing field that there's no way you're ever going to score a goal. If you need some arguments you can read the thread. It should also tell you something that Smithy calls it broken lol![]()
Create a topic in the custom card thread if you want to talk about broken custom cards.Well, onder explained it quite good. How good is a 2/1 when you have to discard your land for it? A 2/1 is good at the early phase of the game, but often not good enough at the end. Discarding a land at the early phase of the game is painful, so it has that going against it. It is a real cost in the phase that matters and not good enough when the cost is low.
A 2/1 for one with retrace is actually quite balanced.
This perfectly illustrates the difference between Gravecrawler and the custom card. Whether you sacrifice the land or the Murderous Scarecrow, then retrace it, you're down a land card. Obviously losing a land in hand isn't the same as losing a land in play, though at turn 4, you will often have only one land in hand at most, which means you miss your land drop anyway if you retrace the scarecrow. Gravecrawler, on the other hand, can be recast as many times as you want, provided you control another zombie of course. It'll happily die to Smokestack and pop back up again without any loss of resources.
Velrun is right in one thing though, this discussion about a custom card totally hijacked a thread that is normally used for discussing the more worthy or appropriate inclusion from a set of real cards. Tears me up, really! It's almost as if the spirit of Riptide past has risen to teach us a lesson about true Riptide values!If this was a custom card thread then we would have something to talk about. Custom cards everywhere these days. We're not going to talk about them in Fight Club.