General Fight Club

Vessel, but trackers instincts would win if it were a true mono card. The flashback is huge, but if you use traditional classifications you're taking a Simic slot for a glorified Impulse.

Chris Taylor

Vessel, but trackers instincts would win if it were a true mono card. The flashback is huge, but if you use traditional classifications you're taking a Simic slot for a glorified Impulse.

Do you mean if it didn't have flashback or if the flashback was green?

Because if you think it'd be better even if it didn't have flashback, jam it in your green section, give people a reason to pick up some tropical islands they might not otherwise need
None of the above.

Less cheeky answer:
I've always hated manifest. Nothing feels worse than manifesting a card you really could've used. From what I've found, most people like the idea but dislike it in actual gameplay because of feel-bads in losing a cool spell or planeswalker. This is less of an issue in shitty limited environs where the odds of losing a must-have card to manifest are outweighed by the utility of a 2/2 that might flip in a format that is largely defined by turning dudes sideways.

Carrier Thrall is frustrating because it's not a zombie and doesn't make a zombie token, which plenty of fun cards care about. I'm not often looking for ramp in my black decks, and if I'm going to have sacrifice fodder, I'd rather it be maybe a bit more relevant than a 1/1. The 2/1 body guarantees its role as end-of-the-pack draft fodder that -might- make the cut in a sac-heavy deck.

Ghoulcaller's Accomplice is potentially the better of the three due primarily to having 2 relevant typings (human and zombie) as well as utility when discarded/dredged. That the token doesn't enter tapped it a big upside since that seems to be an obnoxious trend they're exploring. Obviously the sorcery speed limits the utility, but if I were going to consider any of these, it looks like the most interesting, serving a role to humans-matter and zombies-matter while also just being middling chump/sac fodder. I'm not excited to pick any of these cards most of the time, though, and paying {3}{B} for a token that might have a relevant type is a lot less sexy than getting one for free.

That considered, I think if your format is low-powered enough to be looking at these with interest, I'd pick the Ghoulcaller before the Thrall on the off-chance of synergies (human, zombie, discard/dredge) that have relevancy across at least 4 potential colour combos, but most of the time I'm just going to consider another card in the pack entirely. I would never take Salty Misery because feelbad manifests are the worst.

edit: Actually I'll pick Butcher Ghoul because relevant typing, still sac-fodder optional, and +1/+1 counter synergies if you care about that. Still pretty end-of-the-pack, though.


Ecstatic Orb
I have cubed with the awesome Ugin's Fate art of Sultai Emmisary pictured above (which is at least a thousand times as pretty as the normal art) and cut it without any regrets. The 1/1 up front does absolutely nothing, and the feel-bads of a good top-deck stuck as a relatively irrelevant 2/2 described above are real.
Of the three, I like that Human that makes a Zombie the best. I run Emissary in a cube right now and it's really just filler because I don't have a Bob for that slot.
EDIT: every time I talk about black two-drops I have to remind myself to say, "we should all consider breaking singleton on Dark Confidant."
I would play Carrier Thrall. It has a relevant body up front, it makes a token for no extra cost, and it can situationally ramp you if necessary. I think that makes it perfectly good filler in any deck.
This one really comes down to your cube makeup. If you lean more traditional, Rout is great, and the instant-speed clause is often relevant.
HOWEVER, if you're going heavy into land-based archetypes in your cube, Planar Outburst is a really solid role-player in a Lands control deck, and the Awaken mode is strong if you can get to 8. So it basically just depends how much of a land focus your cube has.
I'll pick the modal spell every time. Modal spells are amazing. But power level can definitely be a concern here, so if the confluence is too strong for your format, don't use it.
I think i like Linvala more, but Confluence can have nice synergies with tokens on the other hand.
A bit hard to compare these two because they play a different role, linvala is only to stabilize while righteous is an answer to unfair enchantments and dumpin' dudes.
I could see Confluence on the top end of an aggro deck, while linvala probably shouldn't be there.
I like Linvala way better. If the white confluence were an instant maybe I'd like it more, but I'd still prefer Linvala. It's a legit win-con for a control deck, it's a fair reanimation target, and it has amazing art. I put it in my cube as soon as I could, haven't yet seen it in action though.
Re the black two drops above, I actually play sultai emissary. I like it as it provides the two bodies for sac at no mana cost and adds interesting gameplay. I also have a bunch of self mill and cards that want to be in the graveyard so it's sort of self mill if you hit those rather than a creature you want to flip. I have a lot of sac effects so he's pretty decent in my cube.

Ghoulcallers accomplice seems terrible, but bears sure have come a long way.
black 2drops: Ghoulcaller's Accomplice as the Emissary really gives a bad feeling when hitting something relevant and the Carrier being just a very neutral card that could be slammed into any deck without being particularly good nor bad. Also Human and Zombie.

cc5 white sweepers: both, as I do because I hate cc4 wrath effects.

shitty 15life vs cool Linvala: hihi
Black/Green big dudes seem kinda tight in my list but I want to fit The Gitrog Monster and all of his sweetness into my cube.

Choose 5 (or cut 2):

My thoughts:
Thragtusk: does everything huge green midrange threat wants to do. My personal favorite green fatty.
Vorapede: hard-to-remove board presence that rewards Pod players with 6-drops galore.
Deranged Hermit: one of the few army-in-a-can cards I've got. Might be my cut #1
Acidic Slime: Good defensive body makes for an all-around solid 2-for-1 player in green
Gurmag Angler: strong reward for proactive decks but a generic body overall. Zombie synergy. Generally not played in GB though, so might not be appropriate here?
Titania, Protector of Argoth: I haven't played her ever but she looks like fun with lands getting emphasis from Gitrog. Is she worth it?

I have Life from the Loam and Crucible of Worlds in my list as well. Is there any other support the Frog needs or is he jammin' on his own?


Ecstatic Orb
He works very well with Titania, so I wouldn't remove her! Honestly, army in a can or fuck aggro would be my cut, and since fuck aggro is your favorite, I guess we're both leaning towards the same cut ;)