Point the first: FUCK PACK RAT.
Point the second:

Point the second:
My cube is single-sleeved and 12-year olds and rowdy teenagers play it on a regular basis. I don't want my cards getting damaged and I can't afford to buy the stuff for double-sleeves right now, so I just opted to exclude DFCs.What’s the reason for not running double-faced cards? Are you playing with your cube sleeveless?
Point the first: FRICK PACK RAT.
Point the second:
My cube is single-sleeved and 12-year olds and rowdy teenagers play it on a regular basis. I don't want my cards getting damaged and I can't afford to buy the stuff for double-sleeves right now, so I just opted to exclude DFCs.
I literally cut my Dark Confidant from the list just because it's recent price spike has caused it to be a liability to include.
They just said they can't afford that right now?
They did! My bad! I misread.
For some reason I read it something like this: “I can’t afford the 12 year olds to mess up my cube.”
you can save a lot of time and money by proxying the 12 year olds
Lol, that too. I just feel less bad about a 12-year old messing up a Ambuscade then I would a Dark Confidant. One is 70 cents, the other is 70 dollars.
I'm probably going to invest in double-sleeves eventually, but I just can't afford it right now...
If life was that easy, I'd just proxy myself a girlfriend XD...
Support a possibly GRBS archetype in U/R or support U/W Enchantments and R/W Attachment?
Cost me about 50 bucks to sleeve the original using some (fairly) cheap Ultra-Pro sleeves.How much will it cost to double-sleeve your cube if I may ask?
I’m not sure how to compare the two...one’s degenerate, mana efficient, and an instant win combo....the other is mana intensive, incremental, and borderline unplayable..
My vote...neither?
The power level discrepancy between slow, significantly-below-rate Bestow creatures and a literal instant-win combo is setting off alarm bells in my mind. There is not a format that could possibly pivot between either of these options with any ease. Bestow creatures, like Auras, get blown out pretty hard by instant-speed, efficient removal; so realistically, if you're running these, then something like Twin combo would be near-unbeatable, because your removal suite would be too slow to have much hope to respond to it.
As a general word of advice, I'd recommend looking over each point on the mana curve and compare what's available within colors and across colors, and see where your power band is jumping in unreasonable ways, then scale your format either towards those higher or lower positions as you feel you want to do. Your red section has so many strong burn spells and beaters that I have a hard time believing something as weak as Everflame Eidolon on T3 giving something +1/+1 and firebreathing is really ever going to make a final 40; it's possible the correct answer is "none of the above".
Hey Trainmaster, you can get 500 Ultra Perfect Fits for about $12 online. Here's an Amazon Link. #notabot #notsureifimalowwedtopostthis
Cost me about 50 bucks to sleeve the original using some (fairly) cheap Ultra-Pro sleeves.
Depending on what kind of sleeves I pick to double sleeve it could cost ~$1-200 dollars to sleeve. I would probably do some research to pick the right sleeves first though, the ones I have now are not good. They do their job, but they do have a tendency to split quite often.
Double-sleeves are high up on my list, I want to bring Bob back!
Ok, I really need to get some sleep before trying to think about cube XD. I don't know what the heck I was thinking with Everflame Eidolon... It's probably just a bad card. I've played with Nimbus Naiad a few times before and I think it's much better than it looks, but yeah it's probably pretty bad.
I need to get rid of Splinter Twin though... It and Pestermite are either very bad or breaking the game. That's not really what I want. I just don't really know what to replace them with...
I went through and just made a list of cards that are either incredibly good or incredibly weak, or just plain don't fit the cube.
In summary, these:
I guess what I could do is remove one of the "too good/too bad" cards from each color and add back in 5 colorless cards... I'm not sure though...
I asked because I wanted to buy them for you. No need to be afraid of 12 year olds hurting your cube anymore
But then I saw the numbers. I do not quite understand why you pay much, much more for your small sleeves than your average ones.
If you are willing to buy some cheap ones, I will gladly pay for you. Do you have PayPal?
Ok, I really need to get some sleep before trying to think about cube XD. I don't know what the heck I was thinking with Everflame Eidolon... It's probably just a bad card. I've played with Nimbus Naiad a few times before and I think it's much better than it looks, but yeah it's probably pretty bad.
I need to get rid of Splinter Twin though... It and Pestermite are either very bad or breaking the game. That's not really what I want. I just don't really know what to replace them with...
I went through and just made a list of cards that are either incredibly good or incredibly weak, or just plain don't fit the cube.
In summary, these:
Restoration Angel
Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite
Phantasmal Image
Inkwell Leviathan
Pack Rat
Killing Glare
Splinter Twin
Sphinx of the Steel Wind
Myr Battlesphere
I guess what I could do is remove one of the "too good/too bad" cards from each color and add back in 5 colorless cards... I'm not sure though...
I asked because I wanted to buy them for you. No need to be afraid of 12 year olds hurting your cube anymore
But then I saw the numbers. I do not quite understand why you pay much, much more for your small sleeves than your average ones.
If you are willing to buy some cheap ones, I will gladly pay for you. Do you have PayPal?
Hey Trainmaster, you can get 500 Ultra Perfect Fits for about $12 online. Here's an Amazon Link. #notabot #notsureifimalowwedtopostthis
I do like Nimbus Naiad and I think it's a great card if your power level is low enough. But she would be #8 in your 5-drop section, no contest.
I'm deviating a bit from typical Fight Club format, but if you're looking to cut cards that are either incredibly good or incredibly weak, here would be my top candidates per color:
Restoration Angel - This is an absurdly efficient card, but I'd be willing to keep it here if you want to keep a juicy midrange section, simply because it's such a fun card to cast.
Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite - Absolutely nuts; she'd be a cut pick for me.
Akroma, Angel of Wrath - I love this card but she's completely uninteractive and only good in midrangey reanimator strategies here. Probably worth cutting imo.
Sphere of Safety - You already have Ghostly Prison. This card either feels impossibly unfair or trash, and since you already run Starfield of Nyx and Sigil of the Empty Throne, I think we can safely cut this.
Battlefield Thaumaturge - Seems pretty mediocre here. Heroic is a tough deck to justify even in really low-powered environments, and I don't see him doing much in this one.
Pestermite - This is a fine card for a flash-aggro or skies deck, and control doesn't mind it, either. The best argument to cut it is probably that it might lead your drafters to think Twin combo is still here, but I'd be tempted to keep it otherwise until you sort out your blue section a bit more.
Shipbreaker Kraken - Looks too underpowered here.
Inkwell Leviathan - Uninteractive and kinda boring, but it's ok if you really want it (I feel like Glyph Keeper serves a similar role as "hard-to-kill control/reanimator" target)
Intruder Alarm - Just a really unfun combo piece
Mystic Confluence - Busted in most environments, I'm not sure if all the higher-powered stuff here justifies keeping something this strong
Pack Rat - Too strong/swingy imo
Whip of Erebos - The activated ability is cute but the teamwide Lifelink is really, really, really strong, leading to impossible-to-win games that take forever to play out. Too strong in most lists without lots of arti/enchant hate, imo.
Killing Glare - A bit weak, yeah.
Reckless Wurm - This is your worst 5-drop and requires a much lower power level to be desirable imo
Sarkhan's Unsealing - I think this is really cute and I hope you can make it work but I think the power level might be a bit high to do it justice
Splinter Twin - Definitely busted
Verduran Enchantress - Kinda the weakest link in this deck imo
Dowsing Shaman - Ok no I was wrong, this is the weakest link in Enchantress. I love it, but it's too slow here. Easy cut.
Naturalize This is a fine effect given this format, but I'd probably rather see Reclamation Sage/Acidic Slime/Wickerbough Elder here instead, given how spicy midrange looks to be with value-creatures. Just food for thought.
Hydra Broodmaster - This seems ok but it also feels like the weakest top-end card here. idk
Umezawa's Jitte - Pretty strong and generic value imo
Loxodon Warhammer - Ditto
Myr Battlesphere - Not too offensive given how strong all the other top-end cards are but it does slot pretty easily into reanimate/tinker decks. idk that it's a necessary cut, though, unless you're looking to de-escalate the power level a bit of those decks
Sphinx of the Steel Wind - just kinda a generic reanimator/tinker piece, so probably pretty cuttable
At a quick glance, Flickerwisp appears to have a level of efficiency that's not matched by many other creatures in your cube. I'm not in love with the alternatives you've presented. I would question whether you actually need another "blink" facilitator. You seem to have a pretty good density without Flickerwisp.
Alright it’s a deal!
Find the ones you like and give me your PayPal.