Sets [FIN] [UB] Final Fantasy

Got some actual-set spoilers today to go with the Commnder spoilers from yesterday. Remember, this is a Standard-legal set. And it's Universes Beyond, so I put that in the thread title.



Plus some DFC:



as a huge FF geek I'm moderately excited to see cards that will make me hoot and holler at recognizing references (lol at Hades actually being named "Sorcerer of Eld", for instance) but also LotR was a fun set so I'm cautiously hopeful it will be fun to draft and hey, some of these cards are actually interesting for Cube purposes so far

...and then there's others:
the actual set art for Jumbo Cactuar is not nearly as good in comparison IMO so I posted that one instead

this is the boring normal one:

oh! I forgot the other new thing:

(it works like you think it works)
Is it just me or these cards look extremely pushed? Like, a 2/3 with upside for one black mana? A one-mana Vinelasher Kudzu? A first strike deathtoucher (okay, this one with downside) also for one mana? And also the 1/2 lifelinker that can exchange lands/stuff for drawing cards seems pretty strong for just one mana...
Is it just me or these cards look extremely pushed? Like, a 2/3 with upside for one black mana? A one-mana Vinelasher Kudzu? A first strike deathtoucher (okay, this one with downside) also for one mana? And also the 1/2 lifelinker that can exchange lands/stuff for drawing cards seems pretty strong for just one mana...

While I agree I would like to still point out that both the black one-drops have downsides. One of them a heavy one. The other maybe not so much.
Is it just me or these cards look extremely pushed? Like, a 2/3 with upside for one black mana? A one-mana Vinelasher Kudzu? A first strike deathtoucher (okay, this one with downside) also for one mana? And also the 1/2 lifelinker that can exchange lands/stuff for drawing cards seems pretty strong for just one mana...

Given that Fearless Fledgling and Glyph Elemental exist, I don't think that Sazh's Chocobo is really that pushed in 2025.

Of all of the cards I've seen so far, the only one that makes me go "huh, that's an interesting design" is Summon: Shiva. I hope we get a few with reasonable costs.

(Granted, Shiva is just Time of Ice that costs {U} more in exchange for also being an Earth Elemental. I hope the others are a bit more novel.)
Given that Fearless Fledgling and Glyph Elemental exist, I don't think that Sazh's Chocobo is really that pushed in 2025.
Yeah but this costs half the mana! :D but I understand, yeah, maybe I overreacted. Probably the only one that's really incredibly pushed is Cecil, that in my opinion doesn't really have downsides, losing life is bad but not so bad when it means that the card transforms into a 4/4 lifelinker...

Oh, right, that's even better!
Infinity Elemental did not pass the mustard in 2017 so, as much as I'd kill to have Jumbo Cactuar in my Cube, I will sadly have to skip it. I thought it was 5MV at first and I was THRILLED, because I really wanted to make Yargle and Multani work but couldn't justify a gold slot for a card I knew was only going to be played 1 in 10 drafts. Making it mono colored and one mana cheaper would've been perfect, but also, it's probably good for Magic that it didn't happen.

I really really like these designs. I've only played XII and XV and don't really have any nostalgia for the franchise, but wow, I cannot wait to play with Cecil in particular. What an ideal Death's Shadow analogue that works for Cube (without effort)! I adore the designs of Garland and Emet-Selch as well. Even the little Moogle has my gears turning.

I will say that the chocobo symbol for the commander set is pretty delightful. I can't believe 2025 will have both the game's best and worst expansion symbols so close to each other....


Ecstatic Orb
Given that Fearless Fledgling and Glyph Elemental exist, I don't think that Sazh's Chocobo is really that pushed in 2025.
In cases like this, using a goldfish scenario helps to see how big the difference between one- and two drop really is. For math purposes, let’s assume we draw two fetches (can be fetchlands, additional land drops like Explore, or Rampant Growth effects) in our opening four turns, and we don’t miss a land drop. Already, we can see that the Chocobo curves into a two mana ramp spell curves much better, but we’re going to ignore that for a moment.

Chocobo: t1 play; t2 fetch, hit for 2 (2 total); t3 fetch, hit for 4 (6); t4 land drop, hit for 5 (11); t5 land drop, hit for 6 (17), t6 land drop, hit for 7 (24, KO)
Kudzu: t2 play; t3 fetch, hit for 3 (3); t4 fetch, hit for 5 (8); t6 land drop, hit for 6 (14); t7 land drop, hit for 7 (21, KO)

Even ignoring the curve, the two drop kills a whole turn later.
Yeah for cards like these coming onto the battlefield one whole turn earlier makes a lot of difference. Surely it’s a big boost to Naya Landfall/Zoo strategies, if somebody is into that (I love it, but sadly it seems like it works the best when the power level of the cube is generally low but the lands and fixing are high powered, right?)

Chris Taylor

I literally don't know what counts as a pushed card anymore. It's a problem.
And that's the neat part, you don't need to! You just need to focus on what's cool and good for your environment!

TBH My 2c is Cecil is at least interesting enough to check out if you're on the higher power level of things, Tonberry is probably fine but boringly straightforward if not bad (Like I know all 1 drops are bad topdecks but WOW is this a bad topdeck) and Chocobo is nice, you probably don't need to be trying extremely hard for this to be alright.

Shoutout to my homie Skyshroud Elite if you just want a simpler green beater

Also Jumbo Cactuar is awesome, I'm happy they managed to integrate the number 9999 on something in this set in a way where it makes sense and doesn't fuck anything
Like the game would (will?) be really different if they make like, 2BR sorcery, 9999 damage to target creature
I will say that the chocobo symbol for the commander set is pretty delightful. I can't believe 2025 will have both the game's best and worst expansion symbols so close to each other....
Honestly, I'm really mad that the chocobo symbol is just commander when it's a perfectly cromulent normal-looking expansion symbol they could have used for the main set. It's so good! It could have just been the real thing!
Please don't make a Vivi Ornitier card that dies and spawns additional copies of itself, my heart won't be able to take it.

Interested to see if Thorn & Zorn make an appearance
wtwlf123 had a Vivi art for Grim Lavamancer before it was cool :) (and a bunch of others FF related)
But that was before his infamous top 20 started, like, 3000 years ago.