So I've been pretty unhappy with my white section lately. The white weenie decks are good when they come together, but they can be difficult to assemble and there isn't much incentive to go into that archetype. On top of that a lot of white creatures only go into that sort of weenie aggressive deck and are pretty linear as a whole. So last night I decided I am going to push the tokens theme in white. It's an amazing part of white's identity and I want to exploit it. In order to achieve this, I am going to break singleton like I did with black. I must say, redesigning black with the gravecrawler theme made cubing much more fun and interesting, not to mention it actually made black do something proactive and powerful that wasn't broken (turn two Griselbrand/Elesh Narn ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ sup son?). So i'm thinking of going up to 4x Spectral, 2x Windbrisk, 2x Cloudgoat, 2/3? Lingering Souls (might be pushed, I know), 2x Honor of the Pure, and then delving into some battalion cards like Boros Elite and Frontline Medic or w/e. Thoughts?