Card/Deck Goblins

Dom Harvey

Poison Principle etc. but a lot of red aggro cards tend to lock you in one direction anyway. There are enough fun Goblins that it might do for red what Zombies does for black.

This guy is the 'Gravecrawler':

Good sac outlets:

Things to sac:

, ,

Buffing your army (good in general for tokens, a theme that's been more and more pushed in red recently):

Fetching your shit:

Cards that tie it all together:

Other random Goblins: Frenzied Goblin, Spikeshot Elder, Goblin Lackey/Warren Instigator, Ember Hauler, Goblin Settler, Goblin Ruinblaster, Goblin Electrmancer/Guttersnipe, Marsh Flitter, Mogg Fanatic


good thing we have the benefit of a legacy list. (someone want to make the elves thread?)

the thing about Goblins is that the two (fringe) eternal decks suggest opposite directions, i.e. Legacy Goblins is a control deck that chumps a ton, while Modern Goblins is extremely aggressive (though it also has a 'combo' / 'overrun' finish, there is no tutoring or card-advantage component like there is in Legacy.)

off the top of my head, if this is to be a lightish tribal theme in the riptide tradition, i don't think we want goblin warchief, goblin ringleader, or goblin lackey. an undoubtedly too-inclusive rough draft for me would look something like

‘good anyway’


could work with enough support




-recruiter is no fun unless you like waiting for people to stack their decks (i have a passage about this somewhere in this old article arguing for the necessity of pauper edh and cube as casual formats)

-piledriver if you don't mind pro blue
-skirk prospector is far and away the best goblin sac outlet (goes well with sharpshooter, obviously)

mine would look like this, maybe i'll try it later or something