Grillo's Multiplayer Cube


Note: guildlands are proxies for shocklands

So I was asked in this thread to post my list, and here goes. Its basically a riptide list that’s been tweaked for multiplayer. It mostly revolves around brainstorm based aggro-control decks (U/W artifacts, U/G shardless agent, U/R delver), gravecrawler based graveyard decks (B/G dredge, B/R sacrifice, B/W prison) and scryb ranger based decks (G/x ramp and G/W landfall).

There are a few different flavors of the different decks with different pros and cons. Not everything always comes together as built, which is fine, but that’s the general environment I’m trying to encourage.

Multiplayer Differences

The main thing with the multiplayer games, at least from what I’ve seen, is that there is too much player life for a normal aggro decks to deal with, so my blue section is almost entirely devoted to promoting aggro-control. Blue is really good at doing this, because it can protect a tempo threat if it needs to, but if something goes wrong, it can grind out card advantage to get back into the game. It also has delver of secrets as its one drop, which once flipped, won't be brick walled by a midrange creature. These decks get whatever supporting aggro elements they need from other colors (white two drops, red one drops/burn etc.)

The other thing with multiplayer in our group, is that midrange decks quickly take over, due to planeswalker card advantage, the impossibility of normal aggro to really race them, the general appeal of cool big creatures, and the way I already had nerfed control. I've tried to make midrange fat a two-step process. There are any number of ways one could design a cube to do this, but my solution was to run a large number of innistrad block werewolves in green and red. This way, there is a window in which they can be easily removed, and also the players start interacting with one another to try to get the wolves to flip back, which is pretty fun.

Another issue is ramp decks, which is another popular and easy to build archetype. My solution to that was to diversify the ramp types, and try to include checks. There are eldrazi ramp cards, which give you early blockers against an aggro-control rush, but are vulnerable to pingers, or artifact based ramp, which is more resilient to removal, but more vulnerable to an early rush. Some of the choice green ramp spells, such as harrow, are also wanted by the landfall deck, creating draft competition. Finally, the most powerful ramp effects require card synergy, utilizing scryb ranger as an engine in conjunction with the mana creatures.

So, that’s just a quick summary of the types of problems I’ve run into, and some of the solutions I’ve come up with. Right now it’s pretty fun to play, but I am always experimenting.


A few of the things I am experiementing with/debating:

Champion of the Parish: I see this guy ran in some of the lists on here, but I am not sure he can pull his weight, despite there being a large number of humans in my cube.

Splinter twin: I had originally ran this to combo with pestermite, but sadly that deck never seems to come together, and no one wants to draft them for some reason. Not sure how to sell it to my players.

The proper number of planeswalkers. First, because my playgroup likes planeswalkers, the number will be larger than 0. I don't mind them as long as they are interesting build arounds, not too overpowered, or encourage synergy. The problem I have with planeswalkers, mainly, is that turns in multiplayer take longer, so when multiples of these guys come down they start to drain a lot of time. I think I could probably cut down on the planeswalkers in the gold section, but not sure which ones should go. They mostly all have the dreaded 4-5CC that midrange loves to abuse, but nicol bolas has the annoying habit of ending the game in a couple turns if he comes down, regardless of how poorly his caster has been playing.

its weird to see 4x wasteland vs guildgates

not a fan of twin/kiki instant kill combo in cubes, removal isnt guaranteed like in constructed

champion can pull weight but people won't give it a chance at first without knowing the environment. then eventually someone will attack with a 5/5 for {W} and everyone will see so just give it time

people have had trouble making delver work but i think it can happen. i would maybe try to include a lot of scry cards and top-of-the-library matters though like courser of kruphix and chandra, pyromaster to help enable him. also brainstorm effects, and maybe a tiny bit of instant/sorceries matter guys (though most of these can be pretty sketchy).


lol...i'm sorry, we use guild lands as proxies for shocklands, i'm so used to seeing them like that, I forgot to include a note on the OP explaining what was going on there.

How good is twin/kiki without the instant kill element? I thought it might be a bit more reasonable in a multiplayer setting, since there is a lot more disruption for the combo, and games tend to go longer anyways. Right now though, no one wants to play them at all.
Kiki is usually great even without the instant-kill combo element. She synergizes with practically every creature in your deck and isn't dead on an empty board. Even with three draws to one, she lands for combos too often. Just like with Twin, you can also sandbag her until you want to combo off and everyone has exhausted their mana/removal. Personally, I prefer Johnny table-kills to Spike combo finishes, so I disagree with having the combo in a multiplayer setting. It leaves a bad taste when the game just abruptly ends because of a two-card infinite.

Did you give thought to Hydra Omnivore? I'm guessing it was cut a long time ago as a nod to your players' midrange bias. Custom card idea: an aggro 1- or 2-drop with this ability. Or that copies itself when it attacks so it attacks all players.


Contributor could be right about that. No one has ever actually put it together (though last week a guy was running both it and the pestermite in his just never came together). Maybe part of me just wants to see it happen, but it could be really bad for the games. I was able to talk the players into trying splinter twin last week, so we'll see.

You know I never even knew hydra omnivore existed. That is something I could run, and I don't think it would be too bad. I've been running thragtusk, vorapede, and acidic slime at 5, and those are all horribly midrange. I could try cutting thragtusk for it, which would move the midrange curve up a little.

This week we had probably the most sucessful draft yet, at least for me from a design standpoint. We had great deck diversity, the decks were fun and interactive, and most importantly, they weren't dominated by midrange,ramp, or battlecruiser magic decks. We had one board stall, which was kind of bad, but otherwise it was a good session. I've added rogue's passage to help alleviate future stalls.

I also plan on trying out Phyrexian rebirth instead of the second WOG, and crib swap instead of the swords to plowshares. I just recently added the Haakon, and he works pretty well by himself, but I figure running crib swap or nameless inversion with him might be interesting. Phyrexian rebirth just looks sweet.

Also plan on adding dreamstone hedron over guilded lotus, just to move the ramp/battlecruiser decks back a turn. I think they might be a little bit too fast with lotus, but not sure.

Also, I wish there were more proliferate cards: what a great mechanic.