I've always played Geomancer over Hoarder before I had Thalnos. x/2 can be a huge deal against a lot of removal, too.
Do you hit Legend with ease Saf?
Admittedly my chirping was mostly because of the format's obscurity, rather than a comment that it was actually worse.
So much so that the site I used to copy decklists because I'm boring (tempostorm.com) has a meta snapshot, a given week to week of which decks are performing well in standard. They long had a link to a wild meta snapshot, but once there it just said "the interest in this format is too low for us to bother", and now I'm currently trying to see if this changed and clicking on the wild snapshot seems to have broken the entire site for me
TempoStorm's wild snapshot is actually not very good imo, I take significant issue with they way they've built a few of their decks. r/wildhearthstone is becoming one of the better sources for info on the format, and they just released a meta tier list that's based on decks' ability to reach high Legend rank. There's a bunch of lists linked in the post, and more in regular discussion on the subreddit. If you're looking for a source for Wild decklists, Icy Veins is the only legit (i.e. written by pros) site with good and consistently updated Wild decklists. I've thrown around the idea of putting together a Wild-exclusive website that would run articles and deck techs but never really gotten anywhere with it.
e: I'm chaitealatte.
Congrats Saf!
Can I ask about a line Saf? In Game 2 you didn't play the Ancestral Knowledge you drew off of Far Sight immediately. Do you think that was correct? To me it seemed like you got choked on mana because of that, and it made future turns a little awkward.