

Ecstatic Orb
It feels so good when you play around a secret with your Volcanosaur with the Shroud en Divine Shield adapts for four turns and it turns out to be the Vaporize that would have wrecked you :)

Edit: Also, I went ahead and crafted two Dirty Rat (sorry Thalnos) to thwart Rogue and Mage quest decks. I also replaced the Circle of Healing + Auchenai Soulpriest package since it was really unreliable. It's great when you have both in hand, but it sucks when you only draw one of both. Lastly I wanted a bit more lifegain in the deck, so I replaced Kabal Songstealer with Priest of the Feast. I'm not sure about that swap, because the silence is really strong against taunts, but then again, Priest already saved my bacon against pirates a few times. Here's my updated priest list.

Lyra Control v2.jpg

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Is that 5/5 from the rogue quest? That's a sick burgle!

Yes, 5/5 from the quest. Spawns 5 5/5s when it dies. Not bad value for 3 mana.

I played a few games with the quest, went from Rank 10 to Rank 6 with only one loss. Seems pretty good. I think I'll make the push for Legend this month. Previous months I've always stopped when I hit 5, but I have some decks I'd like to try out in the dumpster.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I brick walled hard on Rogue quest. Well, worse, I dropped from Rank 6 to Rank 8. Then I switched over to a modified version of Eloise's Miracle Rogue list, which is much more my style. It's not really an all-in combo anymore, but uses Auctioneer for big swing turns and hand refill. I put in Shake for SI-7, and love the change. Lots of people on ladder are running Taunt Warrior, which runs very light on hard removal. Earlier I had a game where it drew me like 5 cards, pulling into stuff like Execute and Bloodsail Cultist that really put the game out of range. This morning I hit Rank 5 with the deck.

Also assembled this fun Fan of Knives combo:

Lastly, I had a Hallucination pull I really wasn't sure on.


Opponent had a Sorcerer's Apprentice on the board, and I had a Razorpetal Lasher. I took the Glyph, which maybe is correct, but I couldn't help but think what "going of" with Sorcerer's Apprentice might have done. Then again, it's hard to have the mana to play it and Auctioneer on the same turn, whereas Glyph gets you a cheap spell for your auctioneer turn.

In the end the Mimic Pod hit another Counterfeit Coin, and I got to have an absurd Auctioneer turn.
Hey Jason, try this list a friend of mine brewed. It eschews most of the Miracle cards and Auctioneer turn in favour of more consistent early QA kills and it's very strong, certainly more capable than Miracle of standing up to pirate warrior.

So far, I'm most impressed by the new cards given to Mid Hunter and Flood Paladin. My lists for both are hyperlinked. I'm not sure that the Stampede/Beast synergy build of mid hunter is necessarily better than a tighter list, but it's definitely more interesting to play.

(why yes, mid hunter is my favourite deck, how could you tell)

I'm also playing Freeze, Quest shaman, and Control's new egg druid list. Wild is fun and diverse!
Is that deck playable without Loatheb?

I'd expect it would be.
How important is Loatheb in wild? It pops up in about every slower decklist I see.
Good ol' Theb is actually the least critical he's been in a while. There aren't really any major spell swing turns in the meta beyond 10-mana Kazakus potions and Anyfin Can Happen, and if you're able to safely drop him against aggro he might slow them down a half-turn (most crucially, he denies Egg Druid the ability to play two spells in the same turn, or double Mortal Strike out of Pirate Warrior). He's not crucial to any one deck but he is solidly-statted and has a unique and at-times very powerful battlecry. Freeze and Waygate/Giants mage are seeing an uptick and he's very good at denying them their kills as well.
What's the best time to play it?

The two best times to play Theb are either a) to protect your next-turn lethal and b)to prevent a major spell being cast that turn (like, say, Anyfin/Potion on 10 mana, and once upon a time CotW on 8), as soon as Freeze plays Alex, to deny a Shadow Word or other removal spell in the midgame, or to make cards like Entomb or Dragonfire Potion unplayable. The third-best option, c), is to just slam him on 5 as a tempo play that kills their Belcher and protects your 2-4 drops from spells.

You don't need Loatheb but he's versatile and goes in a lot of decks so he's a recommended and safe craft imo.


Ecstatic Orb
I never dusted Loatheb, but I've never played wild either, so he's just sitting in my collection doing not much. It's pretty likely that I'll have to resort to wild for some of the daily quests now though, since I've got no decent options for paladin, rogue, warrior, warlock, druid, and hunter in the current standard meta. I guess I can craft some budget face decks for some of those classes, but that's not really an archetype I enjoy playing.
safra, where is dr boom in wild?!

Slower midrange decks. The format's critical turn is like 4-6 right now so you need a particular kind of build to play a seven-drop that doesn't have immediate impact. You'll see him in secret and flood paladin, quest priest, some reno builds, and non-beast mid hunter.


Ecstatic Orb
I "broke" the bank and crafted 2 Preparations, 2 Counterfeit Coins and 2 Mimic Pods to build a budget Miracles deck since I opened Edwin VanCleef as my legendary for the starter bundle recently, and my daily quest asked me to play 15 combo cards. MY GOD THIS DECK IS FUN! I made a 6/6 Edwin on turn 1! My Swashburglar nabbed a Cabal Shadow Priest, which stole an Acolyte of Pain that was buffed by Cabal Talonpriest! On turn 7 I played an Gadgetzan Auctioneer, then Backstab, Preparation, Eviscerate, Cold Blood (on the 1/6 Acolyte, gleeeeeee!) to totally annihilate my opponent's board and bury them in card advantage :D

Hoping to open a Sherazin, Corpse Flower soon for even more shenanigans ^_^


Ecstatic Orb
Woohoo! I just made it to rank 10 for the first time ever (because I never really was into ranked play)!

Been using this list. Might be the most fun I've had playing Hearthstone ever :D

Miracle Rogue.jpg


Ecstatic Orb
How are the Mimic Pods?
Basically Arcane Intellect but with the occasionally nutty double. They're really good in slower matchups (try hitting a Giant), less so against aggressive decks (unless you double a Backstab). It's one of the best Preparation targets when you're going off with Auctioneer though, regardless of the matchup.

Also, it's simply a fun card to play! I had a game where I doubled the Shadowstep against quest warrior, which allowed me to go SI:7 into Shadowstep into SI:7 into Shadowstep into SI:7 into Arcane Giant for a pretty impressive turn.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
It feels so good when you play around a secret with your Volcanosaur with the Shroud en Divine Shield adapts for four turns and it turns out to be the Vaporize that would have wrecked you :)

Edit: Also, I went ahead and crafted two Dirty Rat (sorry Thalnos) to thwart Rogue and Mage quest decks. I also replaced the Circle of Healing + Auchenai Soulpriest package since it was really unreliable. It's great when you have both in hand, but it sucks when you only draw one of both. Lastly I wanted a bit more lifegain in the deck, so I replaced Kabal Songstealer with Priest of the Feast. I'm not sure about that swap, because the silence is really strong against taunts, but then again, Priest already saved my bacon against pirates a few times. Here's my updated priest list.

View attachment 1362

I think I'll help my girlfriend make some sort of Lyra deck this week. She loves Priest and has a pile of dust sitting around. Particularly interested in the Elise - Shadow Visions interaction.


Ecstatic Orb
I think I'll help my girlfriend make some sort of Lyra deck this week. She loves Priest and has a pile of dust sitting around. Particularly interested in the Elise - Shadow Visions interaction.

I don't have Elise or Shadow Visions, but that combo is hilarious. Shadow Visions also makes your Divine Spirit + Inner Fire combo a lot more consistent and gives extra free spells when you have Lyra out. There's a lot of good priest decks out there.

Elemental priest: http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/801922-rank-5-to-legend-lyra-miracle-priest
Silence priest: http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/794306-s37-74-w-rate-rank-20-legend-purify-priest
Control priest: http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/786477-ungoro-control-priest

The last one is the only one to actually run Elise, but I'm sure you can fit her into the other shells as well.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Yesterday we crafted Lyra on my girlfriend's account, and made a Miracle Elemental Priest deck. The first game we got 3 Ungoro packs:
- Play Elise
- Shadow Visions pack (#1)
- Thoughtsteal (from Lyra) their Elise
- Shadow Visions pack (#2)
- Draw a pack (#3)

We actually still had one more pack in the deck, but the game was over already. Good times. We're slowly completing the "Play 50 Shaman cards" quest just by opening Ungoro Packs from Elise :p

Jason Waddell

Staff member

Is there a deck here? It's basically the same stats as that 9/9 dragon that required your opponent to be at 15 or less life. Or is this just the world's best Golakka Crawler bait?