I hate everything you like

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Anybody play FF12? I seem to recall that had some kind of FF10-like grid leveling system, but I played it so long ago, it's all kinda hazy now. Can't remember if it topped FF10's sphere grid or not. Though since I disliked almost everything else about 12, I suppose it's moot.

Chris Taylor

Oh god 12. Rant time:

12 is bascially everything wrong with RPGs concentrated.
-The ultimate weapon (Zodiac Spear) is only accessable if you DONT OPEN 4 unmarked, unremarkable chests within the first 10 hours of the game. Said chests have totally normal loot in them, and no alert is made when you open them. But hundreds of hours away, a chest despawns. MADNESS
-The sphere grid as you call it is a chess board which is 50% stat boosts and 50% ABILITY TO EQUIP SINGLE ITEMS. Yes, when you get a sword, you need to go find the talent to equip it.
-Every single action a player can take has a cast time, and enemy actions are on the same system. The speed of this whole process can be adjusted in the options menu, from 1-10. You know what's ALWAYS instant cast, regardless of the setting? Items. You know: ALL YOUR HEALING AND SOME DAMAGE. So if you really want to game the system, the game has to be played AS SLOW AS POSSIBLE.
-Much like FF10, you play as a character who insists they are the main character of the story, but is most definitely not. While Tidus was at least a semi love interest, Vaan has no relation to the plot whatsoever, and acts mostly as the audience surrogate, asking dumb questions which the player figured out the answer to hours ago.
-Writing the AI to let the computer play the game for you: interesting idea, at first. Firstly, the reward for your meticlious minmaxing and scouring the globe for different AI options (Yes you heard that right, AI opens have to be collected) is getting to NOT play the game? Secondly the system is super buggy and will frequently misinterpret your commands, constantly casting dispell on people with no debuffs, or healing people at full health repeatedly.
-While wholly not part of the main part of the game, the optional post game bosses (found in most final fantasys) are absolutly insane, beating out even the dark aeons from FF10, which literally took their turn to one shot your entire party each and every time (you beat them by spamming auto life and summoning things to eat the game ender spell for you). The most egrigeous of these is Yizmat, the boss that takes a full 12 hours to kill, due to it's 50 million HP (in a game where the damage cap is 10k). On top of this, at low HP levels, he can heal himself to full if you don't stop him.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
I knew I wasn't into the game when I printed out a walkthrough so that I could figure out how to power through the main quest without being distracted by any of the side missions. Final clear time: a svelte forty hours!

I was actually completely unaware of most of the advanced level tactics you describe. I just knew I couldn't be bothered to care about Vaan, Penelope (? I think), and all of the other characters I've forgotten, whose names were as unmemorable as they were. Basch. Was there a Basch? I seem to remember a Basch. He was good peoples.

It's funny, though. A lot of people I've talked to have singled out FF12 as one of their favourites in the series, if not their outright favourite. Different strokes?

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I never never never pay attention to video game plots and am always the guy to skip cutscenes, but FF10 is the only game whose plot I actually followed and, at least at that age, I found it really enjoyable.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Also, I feel the inflection point on me becoming older was when I stopped wanting games to last a really long time. I have no tolerance for BS anymore, and the idea of a game that can be beaten "quickly" in 40 hours is a nightmare to me.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Holy crap, were we separated at birth? That's the exact same thing I've been telling my co-worker for the last few months. I much prefer a short, tightly-crafted experience to a long, dull, padded-out one with tons of pointless busywork. I'm probably the only person in the world who preferred the first Assassin's Creed to the second one, for pretty much that reason alone.

And yup, I loved FF10 back in the day, too. I suspect it may not hold up in this day and age, but it was a pretty dang sweet 'next-generation' RPG in 2001.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Holy crap, were we separated at birth? That's the exact same thing I've been telling my co-worker for the last few months. I much prefer a short, tightly-crafted experience to a long, dull, padded-out one with tons of pointless busywork. I'm probably the only person in the world who preferred the first Assassin's Creed to the second one, for pretty much that reason alone.

And yup, I loved FF10 back in the day, too. I suspect it may not hold up in this day and age, but it was a pretty dang sweet 'next-generation' RPG in 2001.

I'm okay with knowing that I will never find out whether it holds up. Hell, I don't even know who I gave my Playstation away to or even when. I have an Xbox 360 here in Belgium, but no TV, so these days I just don't play video games.

that aren't Candy Crush on my phone, and for no longer than like 15 minutes

Chris Taylor

Yeah twelve was a sweet outlet for the min maxer in me. there's tons of sequence breaking you can do and cool ways to exploit what is a really malleable system.

but basically every game mechanic is a guide dang it. I remember the begining of the exploiting was be at singe digit up in the second area, Go through this door, and a level 50 mob will spawn and attack you. (your like level 6)
he's u dead, so you phoenix down him (using the game speed cheese described above) and get phat loot. repeat until your high enough level to farm the oher level 40 noob killer mobs in the third area, which give you +45 attack weapons (from the +10 you were using before.


Hipster moment: When did the term "beast mode" enter the popular vernacular? I remember using that phrase in 2001 while playing CvS2 in college, then not hearing it for like 10 years and all of a sudden its back again?


3d render transformers show from the 90s? Beast something?

yeah, i fucked with some beast wars as a kid. tried it on netflix about a year ago, no amount of weed could save it.

"beast mode" is popular right now because this man just won the superbowl
I hate Mill, it's burn for people who want to pretend that they are witty.
I hate Core Sets, they bore me to death.
I hate many other things, and I'll have to just continue the list another time.

I own Puzzle Strike (the Sirlin game) and feel that it is far superior to dominion, I haven't had a chance to try Yomi yet. Also, this thread was really perfect to read on a Friday.


yeah, i fucked with some beast wars as a kid. tried it on netflix about a year ago, no amount of weed could save it.

"beast mode" is popular right now because this man just won the superbowl

on behalf of every asshole in a seahawks jersey i would like to apologize. -the 12th man

james: much ironic love for this:

dear god I loathe FF7

FF8 and FF9, now those are some real games
I've just avoided those games because I don't like a lot of pillars of Japanese rpg design and I don't like the idea of starting to play a series that ponderous and feeling the need to consume more of it. It's a decision I'm glad I made when I was in 9th grade. I did something similar knowing there were too many zelda games out there and too few reasons to play them.

I do love playing games I know I'll hate / find frustrating if I'm with the right people. Gaming is way more of a social activity for me now. Instead of movie marathons I'll play a game that got 2-5/10 with one of my best friends probably while googling Ke$ha's new music videos or something resembling what CML just posted. I don't play many games outside that model anymore. I guess when certain friend's are in town for a bit we'll use gaming as an excuse to spend time together but for the most part I've having a really hard time going back to gaming without a little masochism thrown into the mix these days.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
I did something similar knowing there were too many zelda games out there and too few reasons to play them.
Son, you're missing out. I don't play many video games but you gotta jam some classic N64 Zelda games eventually in your life.

james: much ironic love for this:

What is this and why is my name next to it.

hi guys by the way, I haven't been around much, I know... I'm losing interest in magic these days, I don't even know if it's a phase.

Edit: it doesn't help that they keep making sets I don't really care about at all.
Magic is a fun boardgame to me with sorta passing interesting politics.
I come back to boardgames. I don't play them all the time. I love your input though guys as a vaguely creative type and a bad player.