Red just has all the best strive cards, huh?
I like the upside on this, compared to something like Mark of Mutiny, which I'm already running. If the game's gone long and I can steal their two best guys, that feels it'd be a massive tempo swing.
I thought strive was dumb and unoriginal when it was first spoiled last week. "It's just multikicker!" But seeing that most of us here like having more options and modal cards in our cubes, strive might now be my favourite mechanic of this set.

I like the upside on this, compared to something like Mark of Mutiny, which I'm already running. If the game's gone long and I can steal their two best guys, that feels it'd be a massive tempo swing.
I thought strive was dumb and unoriginal when it was first spoiled last week. "It's just multikicker!" But seeing that most of us here like having more options and modal cards in our cubes, strive might now be my favourite mechanic of this set.