Sets Jumpstart Previews

Is there anyone else who’s intrigued by the challenge of designing their own jumpstart packs? I’m thinking along the lines of maybe 10 half-decks of 20 cards, each designed to have unique interactions with whichever other half-deck it’s paired with. It could be a more portable alternative to cube for when you have less time and fewer people.


Ecstatic Orb
Omg YES!!! Another one from the bucket list! :)


Chris Taylor

Oooooo! Pretty Island!

Now give us Archaeomender but for instants and sorceries.

So Archaeomancer? :p (Yeah I get it 3 mana is a big deal. Would you want to make one?)

I'm really interested in Scholar of the Lost Trove. Good reanimator target, plays well with feldon of the third path, sneak attack, welders, spells matter, ramp....feels like a slightly more fair Torrential Gearhulk

that and the new Waker of Waves could round out my blue finishers

I've run gearhulk for a while and it can be akward only flashing back instants. Gearhulk is almost certainly more powerful, but I might actually want to trade that power for the flexibility provided by our sphinx friend.
Hell artifact. Didn't even think of that :p

Okay double reanimate time, you T1 careful study, discard this and battle ball...
yeah that sphinx is super good. Definitely on the radar to replace the gearhulk. Taking away the instant restriction without maintaining the oppressive body of the hulk seems like a home run.
It should be slightly worse in a normal riptide lab cube than Gearhulk, right? I could see it being much better in more powerful cubes.

It may be better in my cube than

Few cards it dangerously (and entertainingly) pops off with. A lot of pretty medium cards in the list, so they can easily be avoided if you're worried about 5 5/5s for 7 mana or can be added if that's your thing. I like the idea of having one of them, at least, for that potential. Kindred Charge and Clone Legion seem excessive.