Sets [KHM] Kaldheim Official Previews



Super! If you're not planning on running foretell cards, you can still run this little guy. Just like storm mechanic and Thousand-Year Storm

It also supercharges your spells. Foretell cards are usually not very powerful for their cost because you get to divide the payments over two turns. However here you get to divide payments of your powerful spells. A Primeval Titan can now be cast for 2 and 4 instead of fully 6 which should be huge because drawing the last two lands is harder than the first two. Right? :) Downside is obviously you have to make a pre payment of 2 mana to cast this guy.
I like that it adds the mini-game within the mini-game of potentially wanting to stack foretell casts onto certain turns so you can attack for a lot. Potentially bluffing a trade against a bigger blocker, or charging up for a kill shot, etc. Neat card.
Well I mean you're "pre paying" by putting a good blocker in play and interacting with the board?

Yes. I thought about writing extensively about how a 2 mana 0/3 would be surprisingly good and that it could also attack for a few pips of life each turn if you decided to spend the mana. But then I thought I had already written enough for one day :p

Here's a new sweeper that we will probably see all over the place from now on.

I find it hilarious that we posted the same card within minutes of each-other.

I feel like it isn't going to be too insane because getting that T3 boardwipe involves skipping T2. I feel like it's actually a pretty nice Wrath of God for white weenie - T4 you play a two-drop and foretell Doomskar, then T5 you can swing in, wipe the board if necessary, and still cast another two-drop.
Doomskar is awesome for control decks that want to leave up mana. Either foretell and cast slightly "off curve", leaving that mana you need open, or foretell right away T2 when there isn't much action yet, and bank the cheap wrath for later. Really nice!

I am not even going to pretend to know what people will do with this card (blue heroic isn't really a thing that I've seen anyone do) but wow, does it ever have a tempting ability...
I like that it adds the mini-game within the mini-game of potentially wanting to stack foretell casts onto certain turns so you can attack for a lot. Potentially bluffing a trade against a bigger blocker, or charging up for a kill shot, etc. Neat card.

Oh, you can Foretell cards at instant speed?? That's not at all how I thought this worked, but now that you say it, it makes sense. Going back to the announcement, WotC saying that you may Foretell at "Any time during your turn" sure does imply that you can activate it at instant speed, but I hadn't realized that until now. Thanks for the catch!

Oh, you can Foretell cards at instant speed?? That's not at all how I thought this worked, but now that you say it, it makes sense. Going back to the announcement, WotC saying that you may Foretell at "Any time during your turn" sure does imply that you can activate it at instant speed, but I hadn't realized that until now. Thanks for the catch!


You won’t need the announcement article. The reminder text is on almost all the foretell cards. Scroll a little higher up on this page and find Doomscar. It is a bit of a strange mechanic but not stranger than morph :p
I also want to point out that Dream Devourer is extra great with cards that reduce the cost to foretell things because it still reduces the second half casting cost by the same amount. Ramp all your spells! That one flying horse and that UW god so far, I think.
Doomskar is really nice for U/W Control decks. The early turns are usually just firing off stuff like Ponder or Preordain to sculpt your hand or dropping something like a Wall of Omens so you're not missing out on a ton of development if you foretell this instead. Being able to deploy at T3 at the earliest or have a wrath up your sleeve for future turns is huge game. I also like that it's not as splashy as something like Toxic Deluge.

I wouldn't want this as my only Foretell card cube as it would be too easily telegraphed, but this kind of payoff makes me want to revisit and try out others that I might have brushed off. Like there's a real solid shell for Control with some minor splash support for blink decks right there with the following cards:


Probably not something to go all in on with an archetype, but it adds enough spice to traditional U/W to keep it interesting for your drafters.
I really dislike this trend of not printing reminder text on non-evergreen abilities. These cards will be much more annoying to include in 5-10 years, and this makes the game a lot less accessible by a thousand cuts. I know a few cards have omitted reminder text in the past (like Greater Gargadon), but it seems to be common practice now.
I think Glorious Protector and Quakebringer are the only Foretell cards that don't include the reminder text.

EDIT: Is it just me, or are there a lot of Foretell cards? There are 31 Foretell cards right now (8W, 7U, 6B, 6R, 3G, 1C), and I suspect that we're going to get a few more in Green.
Probably not something to go all in on with an archetype, but it adds enough spice to traditional U/W to keep it interesting for your drafters.

I really like the pairing of UW control and foretell flavorwise as well, since control is all about being clever and being on top of the game. Hopefully we'll get enough density of cards in blue and white for this!

Edit: Also uh is "foretelling" what you do when you exile the card facedown or when you actually play it? Seems like it should be the exiling?