Site News Live Chatcast this Saturday @ 11AM EST


For how long? I'll be passed out most likely unless it ends up going very well and long :(

Rob Dennis

I've been toying with making U/R a spells-matter combination:
- upped non-creatures relative to creatures for both colors (most of my other colors are largely creature)
- doubled up on delver of secrets, young pyromancer, and guttersnipe
- used most of the izzet slots for cheap spells: electrolyze, fire // ice, izzet charm

and the red part has so far played out very interestingly in that even with near mono-red deck, there was a lot of tempo-style elements that seemed an improvement over t1-t2-t3 dudes, t4 haste dude, ask "what are you at?" and finish with fireblast

if you were going to choose a secondary archetype for Red, what would you do? (I've usually tried Wildfire and similar resource denial/board control)
what about U/R as a real thing and not "well, I'm splashing fire//ice and electrolyze and calling myself UWR control"
You guys make a good back and forth, I was cracking up every time my name was mentioned too when I listened to the first half later that day while working.

My main thoughts right now are concerning what directions to go with my own pauper or pez list but more often than not when thinking about other people's cubes I've been really interested in the prospects of doubling up on cards people love to play with. I'm thinking pyromancers, witnesses, snapcasters, hybrid beaters, lightning bolt, the sorts of cards lots of decks want and feel really good to play. Especially if they are making archetypes that are historically weaker show a little better. I think there are a lot of problems with this idea but it's something I'm very curious about exploring. Reminds me of elf surpluses, duress clones and how most people are excited to cube with as many wildfire and armageddon like cards as possible.

Young Pyromancer has had me all a flutter. If I make a peasant cube instead of a pauper one it's probably because I wana play spells matter or storm with that guy around. Supporting spells matter archetype seems to have gotten way easier. doubling up on sifter spells CML style and then delver and pyromancer in your cube and it might have made itself. What do you guys think of spells matter, or where UR sits in general.
From another forum post here: The Problem with 4-Drops

Something that takes up 90% of my cube design thinking that I realize not many others have much interest or experience with: How to tune a cube for two players that is still draftable with a full table.

Dom Harvey

Library manipulation and high CMC cards with stuff like Mindshrieker/Erratic Explosion/Riddle of Lightning/Djinn of Wishes is a nice little subtheme.


From another forum post here: The Problem with 4-Drops

Something that takes up 90% of my cube design thinking that I realize not many others have much interest or experience with: How to tune a cube for two players that is still draftable with a full table.

Seconding this! Nearly all of my drafts are grids, but occasionally I get 6-8 people interested.

I'm on the fence; I like the effect, but seems parasitic. I'd almost prefer a kiln fiend

I think this is a bit cube-dependent, too. It seems like a number of us are simultaneously adding this UR spells-matter archetype in (the group-think is only a little scary?), so I'd imagine in a few weeks people will have lots of good feedback on it. I went the route of including Cyclopses and Wee Dragonauts because I don't want to have to make the beater unblockable for it to live. I'll let y'all know how that pans out for me.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
ahhhhhhhhh my computer's internet died within the first twenty minutes of the cast so no audio recording this time, sorry :(

and then i got super flustered as i was receiving a barrage of phone calls right as Jason was grilling me about the design ramifications of my cubes's Modern restriction, so, not my finest hour, ughhhhhhhh

i'm gonna figure out a better tech setup for next time (though.. that's what i said last time too :oops: )


ew, why you do this so early?

soon i'll be up anyway for to the college footsball, but still my point stand. ew.