Haven't tried it, but I liked the looks of it when spoiled.
Has an old school feel. Big and annoying, but not particularly overwhelming.
Most of a Thragtusk is still good. The lifegain can help stabilize.
Big body that can provide much needed flying resistance.
Another one that can occasionally be much needed, alongside
Indrik Stomphowler
Bit of a combination of the last two with some cat-tribal-baggage. (NOT trinket text.)
I dunno if this counts as low power. Does a lot.
Ninjutsu is fun and this one's good when cast with either option, unlike many ninjas. Might not be low power.
I also like Nessian Game Warden for the manabase payoff while still being an easy ETB to hit, I find Mitotic Slime very funny and was cool when it would work, and Froghemoth is really good if you want some grave hate that doesn't fully wipe yards.