General "Looking for a card"-Thread

Chris Taylor

Looking for: Low-to-mid power white removal spells that are instants or sorceries instead of artifacts and enchantments. Trying to spread out my spells-matter stuff to be viable in white and it can sometimes be hard to do with so many Oblivion Rings running around. Looking for stuff that's not as strong as a Swords to Plowshares, more around the power of a Journey to Nowhere.
This is such a noted gap in the magic card pool I started making my own :p

Your Mileage may vary:
I don't currently run these due to concerns of cards getting mixed up, but I'm interested in seeing:
Cards that give you control of your opponent's stuff, such as

It's not for a theme or anything, but I've been skipping these cards for quite a while and I'm curious which good ones I've missed.


Ecstatic Orb
I don't currently run these due to concerns of cards getting mixed up, but I'm interested in seeing:
Cards that give you control of your opponent's stuff, such as

It's not for a theme or anything, but I've been skipping these cards for quite a while and I'm curious which good ones I've missed.
I also cut these effects for the same reason, but back when I still ran them, this one was my favorite!

Gonti, Lord of Luxury is a fan favorite in my cube, I really like the tension it creates with the fact that the card stays face down for your opponent until it's cast, really adds a unique texture to a game. Claim the Firstborn is also fun, cool way to get a blocker out of the way and force through damage as an aggressive deck.

If you're looking for really busted stuff Thieving Skydiver is absurd, I had to cut it from my artifact cube because it was basically always just a 3 for 1. Could be more reasonable in an environment where artifacts are a sub theme.


Ecstatic Orb
Gonti, Lord of Luxury is a fan favorite in my cube, I really like the tension it creates with the fact that the card stays face down for your opponent until it's cast, really adds a unique texture to a game. Claim the Firstborn is also fun, cool way to get a blocker out of the way and force through damage as an aggressive deck.
Gonti definitely was a close second for me, very cool steal card (for the person casting it)!
I am looking for cool red cards, that do not kill creatures and don't go into aggro decks really. Give me all the cool low-middle powered things you know.

Potential to “draw” 3 for 3 mana. Fill your GY or give you sacrifice fodder/ramp. Maybe more middle-high than low-middle though.

It doesn’t take many spells to make this worth it. Power level depends on your spell velocity slots.

Another funky spells matter card. I love that this could have wildly different outcomes from deck to deck. It’s powerful but fragile and requires setup.

A cool discard payoff. Doesn’t exactly fit your description because it can fight something, but a cool build around.

I know you like landfall, how about Nahiri’s Lithoforming?
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Thanks for all these sweet suggestions guys, wow. For now, I'll go with Unlucky Witness. It helps the struggling sacrifice decks in my cube and allows me to replace a 1-drop creature with a 1-drop creature. But there are certainly other cars here I'll keep in mind.
I am looking for cool red cards, that do not kill creatures and don't go into aggro decks really. Give me all the cool low-middle powered things you know.
Have you considered Burning Prophet over Heartfire Immolator? The repeatable scry is nice smoothing that can help non-aggro red decks do their thing over the long game. And it's an interesting size that makes it work as a good blocker but also a relevant attacker with the trigger.
Thanks for all these sweet suggestions guys, wow. For now, I'll go with Unlucky Witness. It helps the struggling sacrifice decks in my cube and allows me to replace a 1-drop creature with a 1-drop creature. But there are certainly other cars here I'll keep in mind.

I think that’s a great choice!
Have you considered Burning Prophet over Heartfire Immolator? The repeatable scry is nice smoothing that can help non-aggro red decks do their thing over the long game. And it's an interesting size that makes it work as a good blocker but also a relevant attacker with the trigger.

I have considered the Prophet, but I decided against it for a very subjective reason: I loathe the artwork. It looks weird and also like the wrong kind of digital. Not sure if there is an artwork I like less in the whole of mtg.
I have considered the Prophet, but I decided against it for a very subjective reason: I loathe the artwork. It looks weird and also like the wrong kind of digital. Not sure if there is an artwork I like less in the whole of mtg.
Fair enough! For somebody who wants a cube to look and feel a certain way, there are quite a few ways for WotC to screw up a card, and bad artwork is right up there.
Working on small value reanimator.

Looking for a few cards:
1mv creature cards that work well with Abiding Grace other than Martyr of Sands.

Good cards that return creature cards from yard to hand. Hoping to get additional value out of low drops this way.

Unearth targets that are specifically cool with Unearth effects, such as Triarch Praetorian or Eternal Witness. Something more interesting than "it's a good 3 drop."