I've tested Bolt Bend which is pretty similar, but most of the time is more powerful to those two. I quite enjoyed it but my drafters did not. I consider it the best card we have presented for the effect (in red) because it supports the type of deck that would normally want it. Big red decks that want some kind of protection, but don't want to branch out into blue for counterspells. But when your format (and removal) is very slow, and someone will likely spend their whole turn trying to remove something, it created too many feels bad moments for the villain. Even something like Avoid Fate or Siren Stormtamer was better appreciated because it did not also kill one of the villain's creatures in the process. I thought it was very cool, and after the game that it was casted it made people guess "does he have it? does he not have it?", and that can make for very interesting games (ie I cast Etali with one red mana left open even though I don't have the card and I bluff my way to victory). But my drafters did not appreciate the subtle nuances as much as I did.