I think I commented on one of the decks I drafted in your cube that I thought
Soratami Cloudskater was awesome in my retreat deck. I think it is the only one that is suitable for your power level though. Meloku is way above your level (and rare anyway), so here are the ones I think you have the best chance with:

Because they are both relatively on curve, only cost two to activate and only return one land. I remember picking Mirror-Guard very highly in CHK draft (although it was a real low power set) so it could be the go to. It is a sweet mini-combo with
Windrider Eel and other landfall pumpers. Breezecaller could be alright in some UG rampish deck if you have land auras (which I just checked and you don't so it is probably not great).
The only other ones that could fit are these guys, but I still don't think they hit the right tier:

I only mention the Illusionist as you have a domain theme. Rainshaper has a decent body for it's cost. Savant has the best ability. Envoy just seems really annoying.
While I am in this thread, I saw this card in commander the other day and wondered if it had any place in cube:
It does nothing upon entering but surely being able to mitigate flood is something that could have some appeal. The fact that it works off of every draw is also quite obscene. Imagine a Sylvan Library or Brainstorm while this is in play. You are guaranteed 3 lots of gas. What would this effect have to cost (or what body would it have to be on) for it to be playable?