Fair enough. Cytoplast is not great without ways to protect it and ways to get more than one dude from it.
If you want other options, there's

Capped in power by the CMC clause. Probably better in tempo type decks that want to steal a 2 mana attacker or get rid of wall of omens or whatever. I've never played with this card, so can't say for sure where it's best.
There's also

Former rare cube staple that probably works in modern lower power metas. What is neat about this card is it offers some combo potential with bounce, but you have to work a little more for it. One thing I have always disliked about most control magic effects (Sower in particular) is you get the 2 for 1 straight away, and it's generally a really brutal 2 for 1 that against some decks has to be answered or the game ends. At least in the case of Drake, you have something to block with or punch them in the face with potentially.