Pariah has a lot of potential applications, and is better in control decks, which I like a lot; it's good to have removal that fits a particular deck orientation, rather than just being . I've just never found it quite tempting enough to slot in.
No Rest for the Wicked looks interesting, but I think you need a deck in mind for it to perform in to justify running it over something more flexible; I could see it serving a purpose in a
Aristocrats shell, but personally, I think black has more exciting tools to provide there than that.
Stab Wound was insane in the core set it was hosted in as an uncommon; I'm very fond of it, and I highly recommend it. It has a lot of cool applications. Faith Unbroken I have no experience with, but looks really dependent on your removal power level to justify a slot.
No Rest for the Wicked looks interesting, but I think you need a deck in mind for it to perform in to justify running it over something more flexible; I could see it serving a purpose in a
Stab Wound was insane in the core set it was hosted in as an uncommon; I'm very fond of it, and I highly recommend it. It has a lot of cool applications. Faith Unbroken I have no experience with, but looks really dependent on your removal power level to justify a slot.