Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

Thanks! Yes, you're probably right, that a deck that needs a lot of instants and sorcerys has less space for a huge amount of artifact ... Hmmm

While I think about this, I bother you guys with another question. Is this card a good (the best) way of getting a second Living Death effect in cube?

While we are sort of on the topic of Roaring Primadox, what about another slightly more reliable card in that style?

This is a card which has always screamed 'engine' to me, but I haven't ever had the right environment to try it. Is it too slow? Awesome?

It was a bomb in FRF limited, and there's lots of cool stuff you can do with it. You get infinite ETB triggers with Burning-Tree Emissary for one.

See this in Alfonzos cube, and it seems like a cute mash up of lay of the land and artifact synergies. Tempted to try it out myself. Digging five is quite good, and always having that fallback of getting a land (any land!) makes it passable in quite a few formats imo.

Saw this in action this past weekend. Was very pleased with it. Both for the fact that it was incorporated main-deck naturally without any "trial run" by myself, and that it did work in the deck it was in. Deck was a neat Gruul artifact deck with Daretti, and Stirrings played a great role in digging for important artifacts like treasure keeper
Update on this one: I had Oketra's Monument in a BW aggressive/tokeny deck yesterday and I liked it a lot. I only got it into play a couple of times, but there were several instances where it was the card I was most hoping to draw.

And that was in a deck without Kor Skyfisher or Squadron Hawk to really go off.

Someone else first picked Oketra's Monument and drafted around it, and went 3-0 again. I'm really excited about this card, it's the real deal for sure.
I never see this card get any reputation from the cube community:

Yeah, I am a sucker for graveyard strategies, but this card has been in our cube for 5 or 6 years, and it has proven to be such a value engine. It's no Recurring Nightmare, but for a slightly lower powered cube environment, I would highly recommend it's testing. It is super good in a dredge strategy. If you are able to fill your graveyard, it turns into infinite Worldly Tutors. It also prevents you from decking yourself, which is the real deal in a 40-card-environment. And even when you're not that big into dredge, drawing a Flametongue Kavu or any 187 creature for that matter as long as there are opposing creatures, is super good. Basically, any deck with a bunch of creatures can use it, but as soon as you add some kind of Dredge or Sacrifice theme it becomes a nightmare for any opponent. As long as they're not playing a super fast aggressive deck that is. I could even see me firstpicking this when I'm in the right mood, and my cube has a power level I would still call fairly high.

Crossroads will not leave my cube as long as I live, and even when I die, someone could just spend {B} and get me back!

Chris Taylor

I never see this card get any reputation from the cube community:

Yeah, I am a sucker for graveyard strategies, but this card has been in our cube for 5 or 6 years, and it has proven to be such a value engine. It's no Recurring Nightmare, but for a slightly lower powered cube environment, I would highly recommend it's testing. It is super good in a dredge strategy. If you are able to fill your graveyard, it turns into infinite Worldly Tutors. It also prevents you from decking yourself, which is the real deal in a 40-card-environment. And even when you're not that big into dredge, drawing a Flametongue Kavu or any 187 creature for that matter as long as there are opposing creatures, is super good. Basically, any deck with a bunch of creatures can use it, but as soon as you add some kind of Dredge or Sacrifice theme it becomes a nightmare for any opponent. As long as they're not playing a super fast aggressive deck that is. I could even see me firstpicking this when I'm in the right mood, and my cube has a power level I would still call fairly high.

Crossroads will not leave my cube as long as I live, and even when I die, someone could just spend {B} and get me back!

It does, it's just got a different name:
What are peoples experiences with Delver of Secrets in a lower powered environment? I think it could be pretty sick but beatable when it flips turn 2, while it could still be could enough when it flips later.



Ecstatic Orb
I've gone from two, to one, to none. Delver is often a trap, and as an anchor for the spells matter archetype, it's one of the least interesting ones, and completely out of blue's comfort zone as well.
Im about 5 microns away from benching him and testing the Fly Scry Guy in their place. Artifact deck needs more support in general, I think. Spells deck is loaded with good components

Chris Taylor

It depends on how you feel about a 1/1 flier for 1. In aggressive enough formats it can work.
Though doubling up on beebles might be worth it. I figure if you're running one, it's not the worthless 0% chance to have evasion it is among my playgroup :p


Ecstatic Orb
I've drafted two mono blue decks already in Dominaria (vs AI), and I think the 1/1 statline on Artificer's Assistant is misleading. In a dedicated deck, you can scry 1 almost every turn, and that's actually a fairly strong effect, as Contraband Kingpin has shown us. Meanwhile, it does chip in for a few points of damage over the turns, making the job easier for your finishers.
Grillo's Penny Pincher threads have a lot of discussion on this card, I would recommend checking those out

I actually went through the entirety of the penny pincher 2.0 thread and ctrl+f:ed for "drake haven" and only got one hit on page 5? So I'm not sure it's discussed that much explicitly, or did I miss something?
I actually went through the entirety of the penny pincher 2.0 thread and ctrl+f:ed for "drake haven" and only got one hit on page 5? So I'm not sure it's discussed that much explicitly, or did I miss something?

Searching the thread with the forums search engine will turn up a lot more results (I think about 10?). It grabs card images etc. Several good example decks to look at

The card also isn't always referred to by name, so starting at the oldest post and browsing might be the most effective


Staff member

Has anyone tested this? How much support does it actually need?

It does need a little bit of support, but let's say you are already running Madness in BR, then you have already have enough support, and that deck and splash for it if they want.

You would usually have a couple of looters in blue so you don't really need too much to make it a great build around.

If you do include it, then I highly recommend this other card to pair with it:

When you get this engine online you fee like a mad drake creating genius, who will never flood out :D