Sets (LTR) The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle Earth

Chris Taylor

Okay, I can see it. IF you're attacking with an army every turn, this does a bootleg Luminarch Aspirant impression, which I think is notable mostly because of how strong Aspirant is.
This also actually dies to a bounce spell, you can restart the process via a mutavault or other amass card, maybe this set has enough amass cards that isn't a pipe dream?

Edit: Wait no, the counters just go on your Mutavault, it's an army. That's actually kinda dope though...

Okay, so hear me out: this is kinda like Winota, but without the strict deckbuilding. That's intriguing! It's not a 4/4 for 4, but it's more directly in Llanowar elf colors, something a lot of people did with winota anyways.
Scry 2 and top 6 are definitely not the same in a way I don't have the math background to explain, but I think they're close.
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I was expecting this set to be a lot more "EDH-y" than it actually is turning out to be. Obviously, some of the legendary cards are hilariously bad designs, but the normal cards have been pretty great, to be honest. I know we've talked about most of these already but I'm loving this group of cards:

There are a couple of others that I think are good, but this group of cards is actively quite exciting. I wish more of these had borderless art because I still don't love the Universes Beyond frame, but it's been growing on me with this set, so maybe I'll feel differently in the future.

The Amass cards seem more powerful this time around. I liked them in War of the Spark, but they were mostly on over-costed cards. As such, the best amass cards almost exclusively only Amassed 1 a single time. It felt a bit difficult to build a huge Army like the mechanic wanted outside of limited. But this time, I think making a giant stack of orcs is going to be a lot more feasible. I'm looking forwards to this!
I've never needed ten copies of a card before seeing the borderless art version of Minas Tirith.

This set is sweet so far, and I'm similarly going to be sticking to borderless where able but I'm finding I hate the frame less than I anticipated. The basics are wonderful too, these are all permanently making their way into my Land Box:


My wife said they "just look like normal Magic lands" though she does recognize the scenes, and yeah, I guess that speaks to how much the game's been influenced by the works of Tolkein over the years.

Spoilers are coming about really slowly this season though, aren't they? I feel like a junkie waiting for my next fix.
@MilesOfficial Which one of the borderless is your favorite? There are two, right?
The one that's, err, "standard borderless" -- not the one that's part of the scene. 0341!

Also, liking the new spoilers from today:

Moria Maurader

This is the right way to do tribal! I'm a fan, even with the double red in the mana cost, because the upside is pretty incredible here. Lizard Blades has been good for me, and the Prophetic Flamespeaker I've been waiting for. This is no Warren Instigator!

Horn of Gondor

A colorless Krenko, Mob Boss that costs mana for every use, or, maybe more accurately, a colorless alternative to Assemble the Legion.

Like Krenko, it starts you with a dude, but it can tap the turn you play it (if you have six mana). This is almost certainly a win-more scenario, but I can see it building up pretty quickly if you don't mind the Pack Rat-style cost-per-activation.

I worry it's going to be shrugged off as an EDH plant -- and it is definitely that! -- but it's more than that. With just one or two humans - the typical cube here's most common creature type - this becomes explosive quickly, opens up opportunities for great stories, and has delightful flavor. Very excited to cube with this card.
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This has a sort of "Come at me, bro!" with its ability to create a new blocker after blocking with a creature.

Yep, besides the Ring Tempts You design, this set looks absolutely incredible. There is an option (not sure if it was mentioned before( which is making the ring tempts you mechanic do something different, simply use a different card since there's no reminder text anyway...
The ring tempts you activates these lands

The first temptation gives you a legendary creature. I didn’t think about this myself but found it to be a cool little surprise during testing.
Thorin, Fíli, Kíli, Óin, Glóin, Balin, Dwalin, Ori, Dori, Nori, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, and Bilbo Baggins makes 14 characters shares for the treasure!

There we go!

There is going to be a gameplay situation one day that will determine a tournament if Gandalf was part of the journey at this point or not because the player missing one mana to win the game :p