Article M15 Set Review

Chris Taylor

Here's my biggest wheeling card:

I was all like: But there's so much value! Not remembering that anthems with fading 0 are real bad.

To this day whenever I add something questionable, I tell myself: "Well it can't be worse than marshaling cry..."


Here's my biggest wheeling card:

I was all like: But there's so much value! Not remembering that anthems with fading 0 are real bad.

To this day whenever I add something questionable, I tell myself: "Well it can't be worse than marshaling cry..."

We decided that a card that made priest tokens should be called Marshall the Mathers

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Here's my biggest wheeling card:

I was all like: But there's so much value! Not remembering that anthems with fading 0 are real bad.

To this day whenever I add something questionable, I tell myself: "Well it can't be worse than marshaling cry..."

"Come on guys, it's like a bad Ajani Gold whose effects are non-permanent that you have to keep pumping mana into!"